Articles from: 2020


The task to define what it is THERE is not simple. Frequently John Utendahl has said that publicly. It is a quarrel that already hard many years due not the acceptance of this field as area of proper matrix. Oldest of the interpretations presented by Corder, that is: the woollen notion as synonymous of scientific study of the principles and practical of education/the learning of LE. One perceives that many controversies if have raised to this respect, but, however, it has observed that applied sciences e, particularly education always are seen as lesser, in relation pure science, and this has created obstacles to establish it THERE as area of proper right. At last, the definition of area of study of if has extended to each time more for education areas/learning of LM, multilingusmo, sociolingstica There, among others. Halliday, McIntosh and Strevens say that THERE it uses the descriptions made for the linguistics for another purpose it are of the lingustica, however, Corder says that, ‘ ‘ THERE that it estimates the linguistics is an activity and not a theoretical study, that uses these results for the education of lnguas’ ‘. Palmer places THERE as a mediating, that is, one disciplines that it can englobar some substances.

Then it would be understood THERE as the use of linguistic substances whose content can improve the practical work in you discipline that they include the use of the language. Some metaphors as ‘ ‘ it is crossroads THERE, a bridge with I pass through in the two sentidos’ ‘ or ‘ ‘ it is horizontal THERE, with interseces’ ‘ used for definition of the term, it has appeared to indicate future developments. Kaplan says that ‘ ‘ THERE it constitutes the point in which all the study of the language if finds and if it becomes realidade’ ‘ , that is, it is the point where the study of the language if intersecciona with others you discipline. Ingram and Strevens, see THERE as independent area that constructs its proper principles. Each time more if has become There independent of the Lingustica and if has unfastened of the idea of education of languages in a general way. Diverse lines of research on the one Back in other areas have appeared, areas these that are not of education of languages. However only it can THERE be fimar as seek area of proper right from the moment that the applied linguists if to make use to make THERE without inferiority complex, instead of making application of the Linguistica. Reference: CELANI, Maria Antonieta Alba.

Dom Quixote

No literary-artistic movement was so rebellious and revolutionary as the romantic one, where the rule biggest is the individual inspiration, whose ideals were the freedom, the equality and the fraternity, come back to the subjects of its time, politician, social and passion, fight and revolution, in the case of Cervantes the search of the reality through the subjetivismo, the intuition, the inspiration and the espontaneidade lived by it in the hour of the creation. The art for the romantismo is the direct expression of the emotion and not it imitation, ‘ ‘ Palco is our universe and in it we can in such a way modify as to create new and multiple realidades’ ‘ , it says Brown Carlos, and Dom Quixote, was changedded into the hero, a hero of unanswerable behavior, one ‘ ‘ louco’ ‘ , thus called for the great majority, but, it defended the weak ones with its universe of literature making with that mills of winds were taken as giant perverse, the flock of enemy sheep considered an immense army and the basin of the barber who was seen as ‘ ‘ fabuloso helmet of Mambrino’ ‘ , they are tickets that already had been become incorporated the unconscious one of the humanity, a species of escape, since in romantic the not accepted reality, comes back to the past, its infancy to the description. Reasons for the fancy and the imagination, the romantic artist starts to idealize everything, the things is not seen as really they are, but as she would have to be. Thus the woman is seen as virgin, fragile beautiful, submissa and unattachable, the love almost always is spiritual. Dom Quixote idealized a called peasant Aldona, needed to repay its victories to a lady and it it gave the name of Dulcinria. Certain feelings, as the pessimism, the homesickness, the sadness, nostalgia and the disillusion, are constant in the romantic workmanship, as well as in the one of Dom Quixote, do not perceive the consuming of its body and, unhappyly, as proper it affirms, only it returns to the reality, when already it is at the final moments of uses life. It dies sorry, but in peace for having it in time done.

The Importance Of The Governmental Auditorship In The Control Of The Municipal Public Accounts

Present RESUMOO work has as intention to show to the governmental daauditoria contribution in the social control for the combat corrupono Brazil. Beyond demonstrating as the accounting and the auditoriagovernamental they influence the public transparency and the mtodosaplicveis in the evaluation of the administrative managements and resultadosnas action of the cities. to verify if the used tools public nacontabilidade constitute in efficient instruments of form to agerir the resources and to control the common wealth. Beyond enfatizarsobre the existing controls in the administration of the public administration and oscontroles exerted by a society in public dosrecursos search of the best allocation. Learn more on the subject from Richard Elman. The article is qualitative, of deductive matrix, contendouma amplitude of theoretical recitals.

This was developed to paraproporcionar bigger familiarity with the subject, presenting which positive osaspectos and which the negatives for an efficient management pblicatransparente and, being that the governmental auditorship still considerada a very recent tool in the public administration dosmunicpios. 1. INTRODUCTION the new global order for the administraopblica determined the necessity of the adjustment of the public charges, each vezmaiores, to the possibility accomplishes of collection of the State and, consequently, to the search of the financial balance of the governmental accounts. The State, thus, was compelled to demonstrate its capacity to it of management and to propitiate soluesque the society complains to keep and to alavancar the development. Thus, the public administration has to odever to give accounts before the society and this has the right to control aao of the government. Click Crimson Education to learn more. is accurately this the main objective of the auditoriagovernamental. To develop analysis techniques that allow identificardistores in the governmental action between what it was idealized and what is alcanadoem real terms, generating a bigger level of efficiency and effectiveness in the use dosrecursos public and effectiveness in its result. Being thus, the Governmental Auditorship considerada a tool that it aims at to correct wastefulnesses, improbity, recklessness and the omissions beyond making possible the best use of the recursospblicos.


This is a history, or will be a estria? All difference this in the sensitivity of who writes and of who he is the reader. Today, the reader is you, then you are one of the main personages, of this instant of ticket on a very small part of the registers of the book of the humanity ' ' In a small place of the Europe, known today as Iceland, a people existed, as he exists until the present, glad, festive, impulsive, healthful, that he does not fear the nothing, and that he likes its lands immensely. They are people of firm traces and that arts like them, even so very rude they are accustomed with the manual work. Clear people of clear tez, eyes, blond hair, and high stature. Its belief is in the life, God is present in the day the day, in the gifts of the day, the food, the works, music, the love, in the air, at last in that if it can experienciar with much joy. He is a special people. It was there that you lived, man of very work, I go to give a name to you, but is not this the necessarily true one, Horcio, warrior by its very nature, and conqueror of everything what enchanted its eyes.

You always were thus sagacious, conquering and strong Characteristics of true ' ' viking' '. Liveing in a village, the side-sea, immense a blue ocean its door, in one marries pretty that construira with much devotion. Man of many women, did not become attached itself to none The time passed, its family did not exist more, it passed of the forty years of age, and the love finally seems to have reached you. In mountains its liveed a family friend. You age the friend and protector of them, and they had some children.

Electronic Mockup

With the advance of the graphical computation we have seen many architects using three-dimensional representations to project. What today a great advance is considered can also be understood as one retaken of old habits. At Stuart Solomon you will find additional information. The use of the drawing technician as only tool of project is something marcante them centuries XVIII, XIX and XX. Get more background information with materials from Bank of America. That it is not a problem, the refinement of the drawing techniques is fruit of an intense effort of otimizao of the project process. With the drawing as only form to project it had a considerable increase in the development speed and reduction of the costs of the projects. If to retake the modernista premise of massificao of design and the architecture, the bidimensional repreentao offers to a speed and total compatible reduction of costs with this idea. However, the use of the ortogonal representation (plants, sections and sights) is not complete.

It does not contemplate a series of elements and essential details in a work of composition of spaces. Elements these that if only make perceivable in three-dimensional representations. The legacy of Gaud can be seen as a good example of this. Its workmanships are marked by an exhausting exercise of drawing. They are plates and more plates of the finest drawing artistic technician and. Not obstante, perceiving the limitation of its tools, Gaud if it launched in an incessant production of mockups. Mockups wooden, of plaster, wires and even though of sand. Visiting the museum of the Igraja of the Sacred Family in Barcelona a gorgeous done model can be seen 3D with wires and sachets of sand.

It was with this model that the architect conceived the rich volumetria of the cathedral. If to come back toward the average age, we see old guildas using mockups of plaster and wood as projetual element in great constructions. Secular workmanships as great churches were raised throughout some generations of constructors and had as only reference of project a mockup.

Conventional Accounting

The author still clarifies that the verb to count in the direction that the Accounting works in its daily one is used in the direction of mensurar and to communicate. Mensurar for intermediary of its countable instruments, and to communicate for intermediary of its rockings, reports, etc. The conventional countable processes are carried through traditionally by the method of the double entries, that is a system used standard for the companies and other corporations in general to register its financial transactions. Its premise is of that the financial condition and the results of the operations better they are represented by accounts where each one reflects aspect in particular of the business with a monetary value. Each financial transaction is registered in the form of entrances in at least two accounts, in which the total of the debits must be equal to the total of the credits, providing the balance enters the application of the financial resources and the origin of the applied resources. Not explicit the Conventional Accounting, normally, separate information for the ambient aspects.

Instead of this, it only takes care of to the necessities of patrimonial, economic and financial information for different stakeholders 4 regarding the performance of the corporation. In consequencia, different systems of countable information can in accordance with be distinguished its destinations and targets from information. As JASCH (2002) presents, a to be considered aspect how much to the conventional accounting they are the systems of units used in the generation of its information. Of one it forms generality, are used monetary units and physical units. The used monetary units more are characterized by the monetary units in use in the environment where corporation operates, being able to be Real (R$), American Dollars (US$), Euros ( $), Pounds ($), etc. and destines to present it the economic financial results and of the company. The physical units in use in the conventional accounting look for to translate the involved physical volumes in the flow of insumos, residues and end items.

Civil Code

At the same time to fulfill the requirements of Art. 215 Code of Civil Procedure of Ukraine court must necessarily order to motivate our conclusion. Essential in understanding the circumstances of Art. 551 CC of Ukraine can be considered as the degree of fulfillment of the obligation by the debtor, such as early repayment and interest, proved materials of the case difficult financial situation of the debtor, other parties' interests (not just the debtor) that deserve attention. The court should bear in mind that the position of Part 3. 551 Civil Code of Ukraine about reduction of the size penalties may be applied only to the interest that accrues as fine as they are the means of civil liability, or under Part 2 of Art. 625 CC of Ukraine, given its compensatory nature, and interest payable under the provisions of Art.

Art. 1054, 1056-1 Civil Code of Ukraine in this order shall not be reduced through the lack of comparability with the size of the principal, because they are the charges for the use of cash and are subject to payable by the debtor on the ground rules of monetary debt. Proper notification of the debtor with respect to raising interest rates on the loan is the way certain parties in the contract. The bank must prove that he informed the debtor properly. To confirm the proof of this court, in our opinion, may invoke the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure of Ukraine concerning referral procedures agendas and messages (so-called local item of evidence).

Brazil Empire

As for the rites fnebres in Brazil Empire, certain referring aspects to a stratification are distinguished that not even the death obtained to contain. The death, observed while rupture, a clutter in relation to the daily manifesto, rationalized for conceiving its existence, could retrace the times longnquas in history human being, since the phenomenon of the dionisacas festividades fnebres in Old Greece, having as parameter certain gnese of the culture occidental person, looking for to foment one catarse in the participants whom they looked to reintegrate it daily order, through an extravasation of the emotions ahead of the moan fnebre. It is perceived later that the festividades fnebres were of good mount to the livings creature, being relegated diverse the other society throughout the time, that they looked in the hour of the death to that it they were next, the rescue of an attempt of social equalization. Other factor evidenced – also observed in the text of Joo Jose Kings whom Empire in Century XIX deals with Brazil -, it would be reintegration of the social inaqualities that the ritualstico act fomented, in view of the pomp esteem in the rituals, also for the amount of people who folloied the cortejos, being primordial factor I appraise to demonstrate it for the deceased one. Gain insight and clarity with Stuart Solomon. Cortejo in the Bahia of Century XIX, counted on rules of participation that were valid for any one of the gifts at the moment of the procession, also considered as bad omen the participation, not having as consequncia the proper defamation in the seio of the society. With hypothetical intention to subsidize the rites of slaves and supplied financially less, the Casa Saint assumed the monopoly of the tombs, charging for the transport of the deceased in the covered passage. Also fnebre, the clerical participation in the velrios can be detached in relation to the pomp, status obtained for certain arithmetical constatao, that is, the amount of priests who sanctioned the deceased one, added the extra costs for exceeding priests sent to take care of whims of familiar of the deceased. .

Scientific Association

Werno Counting Herckert* Quando the man to knock down the last tree, to poluir the last river, to kill the last animal, to poison the last land piece will be able to eat the money that earned? (unknown Author). With the beginning of the industrial age, in century XVIII, he did not have concern with the nature, he was exuberant. He had everything what the man needed. He started to extract of it the substance that he needed to industrialize some products that would be placed in the consuming market. The idea was that the nature could give everything of a limitless form and had been initiated, thus, the devastao of our forests and with this the reduction of some species of animals, the pollution of the rivers and seas the loss of life of fish and the reduction of some species of the aquatic fauna. By the same author: Richard Elman. The pollution of air increased and brought some illnesses to the human being.

It had the intensive culture of land exaurindo it e, with this, the necessity of chemical and agrotxicos fertilizer use that affects the health of the man. They had been created, warned the director of the University of United Nations (UNU), Hans Van Ginkel, that co-ordinated the efforts of 200 25 specialists of pases. (To see Periodical of the Senate, Brasilia, 13 the 19 of August of 2007, pg. 11). according to Miguel Soto, of> Reviewed Digital, Writing of the Greenpeace, 14.08.2009). Charles Kushner might disagree with that approach. Warm quarrels between politicians and specialists of the area economic-financier are in course, however it is forgotten or relegated the inferior plan, the other demands that equally are attacking the society contemporary. According to Leonardo Boff to argue the crisis economic-financier without including the too much crises: the global heating would feed, it, the energy one and the humanitarian is to lie to the peoples on the real situation of the humanity. (To see Governments unconscious e> irresponsible, ECO-21, Edition 152).

It has a world-wide awareness in march, but if they had not yet taken the measures necessary to save the Land. It is said in sustainable development that is the progress without aggression the nature, but this not yet is being practised of a enough form for the organizations and, thus also the partner-ambient question the world-wide level. The economic growth whatever the cost is an error and the humanity will very pay expensive therefore if not to move for a new economy where the nature is preserved.

Wages Phase

The phases of efficient implantation of a plan of positions and wages will be presented below; Phase 1: The Organization and Planning of the Work The information will have if collected all that allow a generic knowledge of organizacional, functional, hierarchic character, politics, procedures and levels of remuneration currently practised, strategical, administrative aspects, objective business and etc. Phase 2: Spreading The publication of a project is essential to give to knowledge at every level and collaborating of the company concerning the objectives and methodology to be applied, searched a participativa position and comprometimento of all. The newspapers mentioned Stu Solomon not as a source, but as a related topic. Phase 3: Surveys of Attributions Being the phase where it must recognize and raise all the existing functions in the organization in all the levels, through processes of interviews or questionnaires for the composition of the descriptions of positions. Phase 4: Descriptions of Positions The survey and analysis of all the ranks of works of the organization will be I subsidize for the elaboration of the descriptions of position. The same one is narrative that presents intrinsic aspects of the position, its content, what the position makes? How it makes? for who makes? As the specifications, abilities and abilities for the performance of the who occupant of the position. Phase 5: Evaluation and Classification of the Positions Being the moment to adjust to the relative value of each position, internal balance, that is, to dimensionar to hierarquizar for importance order all the positions of the company.

Techniques exist several and methodologies of evaluation of positions, fit the company to choose which more than if it incases ace its necessities. Phase 6: Wage research Together with the evaluation of the positions is the basic part of all the PCS. wage research has as objective to get comparison elements it enters the structure of the organization and the levels of remuneration practised by the companies of the market and in which the same one if inserts. Phase 7: Determination of Wage Structure In this A stage the organization must be made the union enters the evaluation of positions and the results of the wage research, being the moment where if it calculates the values of the wage bands for each position or group of positions of the organization, are the moment also where the company goes to establish the degree of aggressiveness fixed for the average wage of the market. Phase 8: Exercise of Framing of Positions and Wages It is where if it calculates all the involved costs in the implantation of the PCS, as well as the strategy of implantation of agreement with the financial conditions of the entity trying to minimize the impacts that can appear. Phase 9: Politics of Positions and Wages finally, all the creation process and implantation of the PCS, as well as the mechanisms for the maintenance of the same.

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