It is the beginning of the French Revolution unchained by the incapacity of the King Luis XVI to face the serious financial crisis that if abates on the French State. With the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Man and the Citizen, approved for the Constituent National Assembly in August of 1789, they are defended a series of measures between them the defense of the private property as sacred and inviolable, it institutes the personal freedom and the legal equality. From now, revolutionary France is in foot of war with the European monarchies, which the new French government makes entire opposition. From the Constitution written in September, they had been established the parliamentary monarchy, the civil equality, I confiscate it of the goods of the Church catholic, and the prohibition of formation of laboring associations and strikes. The partisan formation if would give of the following form: the Girondinos, seated of the right side of the parliament, representing the high bourgeoisie with majority and the support of the King; the Jacobinos, seated of the left side of the parliament, representing to the small average bourgeoisie, and the campesinato led by Robespierre. Initiate in 1789, with the Installation of the National Assembly and the approval of the Declaration of the Rights of the Man and the Taking of the Bastilha in 14 of July of the same year, with occupation of the Palace of Versailles, initiates it first phase of the Revolution restoring the first Republic. Exactly with the support of the high-bourgeoisie and conspiring to keep the Monarchy, the King runs away from the Country and tries an action against-revolutionary, also declaring war Austria. With the support of Austrians and prussianos that invade France it tries to come back to the power, but the popular Frenchmen finish defeating led by Robespierre, Marat and Danton who assume the government and the common people creates the Commune of Paris in August of 1792 and creates the national guards.
Robert Ramalho is Public Relations, was vice-president of the Brazilian Association of Public Relations, seccional of Alagoas (ABRP-AL), is professional journalist and lawyer. Summary: In the current days it is the radio in full century XXI, the one of the most important vehicles of communication of mass and formador of opinion together with Internet, having also surpassed the television. Not obstante, it is of more easy creation, with a sufficiently low financial cost. Having in little time one total recovery of the invested money. One knows, today that instead of diminishing, it has only increased the number of senders of radio in the whole world.
Not yet research in Brazil exists, but, without a doubt none, will have become fullfilled a research for the regulating agency the number of them will be very bigger of what notice is had. Words Key: Senders of radio, communication, mass, public, diffusion. 1. As everything started the Radio is defined as a station or one emitting device of programs of broadcasting, being considered a media them of mass for the majority studious, or of social nature, for others, and is based on the diffusion of the sonorous information by means of electromagnetic signals (hartezianas waves), through the diverse existing frequencies in kilohertz, megahertz and gigahertz. Its transmission happened for the first time in experimental way for the scientists Lee De Forrest and Reginald Aubrey Fessenden, at the beginning it century XX, in 1908, when in the high one of the Eiffel Tower, in Paris, an emission was caught in the city of Marseilles, also in France. This, however if possible to happen thanks to perseverance of the American scientist Samuel F.B. Morse, inventor of the telegraph through wires, first system of communication invented in the world, responsible for the first transmission of long distance in the world. But they are the German scientist, Siemens, creator of the Dynamo in 1876, and Americans Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the transducer Mary had little lamb), quadrinha infantile American who would be part later of known Stories of Mother Goose.With the invention of an antenna capable to receive frequencies low, in the band of 30 kHz, for the Russian scientist Aleksander S.
This factor determined if its Web site were good or bad; so a site that counted on 300 I connect aiming towards him, probably it had been considered better than another Web site, at which they only pointed 10 to him I connect. The motors search have changed from those days. Now the motors search give to more importance to the bonds or connections him of similar sites. Its site only connects with other similar sites that are of high quality and. If its site is about how to play golf, then does not have to league together in line to a site on games. It would not have sense for the visitors of his site, and it would not have sense for the motors search. When it realises interchange of commercial bonds with a site of relevance and high quality, it asegrese to specify the place where the connection must be placed, inasmuch as time, and what would have to say.
Often I see people who interchange connections and within days the connected device has lowered the connection. We only make businesses with webmasters of confidence. Advice # 3 – To send your Site to the Directories This is a great way to obtain bonds or connections of high quality towards its Web site. It thinks about a bond to his site as a confidence vote. The directories Web are less popular than the motors search, but the relation with them would help to increase him its ranking in the finders. It is careful with those sites that asked for a payment to him by the presentation; I recommend to him that it begins by those gratuitous directories, since they exist very many in the network. It is important to try to obtain directory specialized or that they have relation with thematic of its Web site.
The present thing is to take the initiative and to make proposals creative that represent a benefit for the company. This proactive attitude towards the company will cause that they consider you as a key element for the profit of the objectives of the company. The same happens if you are in the process search of a use, you must take a passage in front of the organization, trying to arrive at the interviews with information with how you cover the profile and the expectations that are had for since they are going to contract. Of such form that you can enunciate the reasons of because the best option he is contratarte and not to another one of many or many candidates who are participating in the same process of selection. Nevertheless not is easy to sell initiative when level superior not has asked, or when the Administration of the company knows that a reduction of costs and expenses is necessary, but has not initiated no action to optimize the processes. If you are in some of these situations the important thing is to demonstrate in comparative form the benefits of your proposal, eliminated the possibilities that it is rejected. The one that is accepted or rejected the proposal depends on the importance of the benefits that throws the new procedure against the previous one, which surely it has been working per years. As one begins or that detonates the analysis of a process that takes to simplify it to us and To reduce to Costs and Expenses? The key word is creativity, abriendo the mind to different alternatives from how making the things.
If we like our work we are going it to consider as an art work in which she conjugates the imagination and the fantasy in search of opportunities, that when evaluating the resources that they comprise of the process economically materialize in weights and cents, or in the plane of the objective analysis of the process that can also be improved requires of much work and analysis to face any question or questioning on the benefits of the change. This new labor surroundings, surely are amazing for many, nevertheless the change already are occurring and not to recognize it can be catastrophic, the form to work in the future raises a series of challenges and new schemes that there are to assume with innovation, creativity and efficiency. P.c. Curled Bulmaro email: bcrespo@ofisur. com. MX Consultant and Adviser of Businesses focused in supporting to the companies in Reducing to its Costs and Expenses. For which it integrated in Ofisur three segments of business so that the companies increase to their Utilities and Yield.