/They are the poems There that wait to be written. /They are paralyzed, but it does not have desperation,/it has calm and freshness in the intact surface. /Eiz them alone and dumb, in dictionary state. Such warning was paraphrased by a baianeiro in these terms: the true poetical feeling if discloses in the creation/perdio/release and it cannot, in hypothesis some, to be confused with the emotivo state of who if got passionate to the first sight or simply it discovered that the life is an astray cockle-boat sailing in a sea of m The mining bard was with the reason. Definitively, this not yet is poetry .
Rilke, in the letters that changed with the young Kappus poet, between February of 1903 and December of 1908, was more, says, philosophical: sinks you in the solitude. In the end, however, the sensation prevails of that we are ahead of an auto-aid manual, in which, more than aesthetic orientation, sobressaem the advice of humildade, honesty and perseverance. Still well that the literary quality is above of the sorts, norms and labels. As much that in contrast to Aristotle, who classified the sorts in narrative, lyric and dramatical Bakhtin called the attention for the constitution, connection and interaction of the sorts with the activities human beings. When emphasizing the social character of the sorts, the Russian theoretician signaled that the sort concept must englobar the different employed literal modalities in the daily situations of communication.
Verbal or graphically. On the other hand, a simple ones visits to the workmanship of creative Pink Guimares of pyramids as Sagarana , Body of Ball and Great Hinterland: Trails in the same difficult, challenging and air-tight ratio. At last, a indevassvel mass of weeds only for initiates. With certainty it has I exaggerate in this, as well as is unquestionable that to read Rose it is different, for example, to read Loved Jorge. By the way, the proper Pink Guimares whose centenarian of birth was commemorated in 27 of June of 2008 makes a last recommendation: My literature is for oxen, is not for being engolida of time . Additional information is available at Kevin Johnson. (. the Zarfeg)>