If you want to search for in the mortgage market the so-called cheap mortgage will be a task that will require time, effort and patience to investigate Bank in Bank as cheaper close to a cheap mortgage, for which there must be clear that any bank offers financial credit market that modality called mortgage, because this would not generate profits that they expect so those who want to get a cheap mortgage will have to do many studies, in many banks and thus the financial institution that offers better conditions and provides the possibility of negotiating the cheap mortgage will be the option to take. It is very clear that everybody wants to quickly get the property you have always dreamed of and sometimes venturing to take any option that allow them access to housing, but it is recommended to analyse certain aspects before making a mortgage loan:-interests are a key point when it comes to the study of the conditions in order to reach as close as possible to a cheap mortgage, because from these is vera reflected a savings or a loss when it comes to paying the monthly fee of the cheap mortgage credit are looking for, since the interests can be of great influence in the periodic fee and the amount of fees that are payable, since interests much influence in this aspect by the following, in the cheap mortgage interests and in any mortgage have a greater credit in the first mortgage payments cheap, so much so that the interests in the first quotas far outweigh the amount that would be devoted to capital and only reaches balance reversed amounts when you are already in the middle of the life of the credit, therefore if you want to purchase a cheap mortgage this is a high reference point. -Monthly assessments must also consider when wanting to get a cheap mortgage, many people believe that while more flexible are the monthly installments credit is better, but what happens in reality is that is this giving more money to the banks, because while the share is lower than more time is needed to pay the totality of the credit and having more time to cancel what was believed that it was a cheap mortgage actually is one very expensive because interest rates will be paid and as more time passes plus interest they must pay, therefore in the extent possible pay a fee the more high that possible and thus avoid that much lengthen the term for cancellation of what you want to be a cheap mortgage. -It is good to agree the best conditions when the commissions, then this point can be very helpful when performing a novation, subrogation or an early cancellation of the cheap mortgage. -With regard to insurance it is best opt for most of these, so if you pass by some bad situation such as unemployment, serious illness or damage on the property there is an additional aid that allows to cover the costs of compliance with the quota of what is being sought is a cheap mortgage, for that many times to avoid these expenses may be incurred in many other expenses. So it is good to study very well the previous aspects that provide financial institutions, in their own way for to achieve a cheap mortgage.
The existence of a restrictive clause of the variation of the variable interest rate cannot be deemed abusive, says the judge citing a report of the Bank of Spain. Judge considers in contracts there is no disproportion in the clauses that benefit exclusively to the financial institution and recalls the right of the consumer to not hire a product to consider below economic expectations, or whose conditions considered may be overcome by another product of the same features offered by another competitor entity. What are the soil clauses clauses soil of mortgage loans set a limit to lower interest rates without providing for a limit to upload them in the contract. Banks put a floor to their contracts, and to ensure that it is not blatantly abusive, a ceiling (maximum rate that may not upload), but this is so high that it is fictional since it is almost impossible to reach those margins: 10 or 12%. In early September, a Madrid judge admitted the request of the Association of users of banks, boxes and Seguros (Adicae) include other 56 financial institutions in the collective lawsuit filed against the alleged application of unfair terms of soil. Demand extends and already accuses 101 banks and savings banks. Clauses Yes cancels the judge in this latter case, between clauses that Yes the Yanez judge aborted are those related to the variation and the rounding of interest rates on mortgage contracts, the obligations of the customer, the use of data and keys, the anticipated maturity and the specific conditions applicable to the telematic services, credit cards and Internet banking. The Declaration of nullity of such clauses does not however determine the nullity of the contract, if it can survive without them, as it is the case. Source of the news: A judge validates 22 clauses mortgages of BBVA and Popular flooring
Neither revolts in the Middle East, or North Africa nor the Greek crisis and the threats to the natural heirs of Bin Laden in Al-Qaida anything like that is influencing 100% today–and future–the price of oil. The Brent of the North Sea in US$ 118 barrel approaching the maximum of the year in the $125. The variety West Texas, after nearly touching US $150 per barrel in July 2008, go down to $33 in January 2009 during the recession following the financial crisis, today found in levels of $97 barrel, and prospects are on the rise. It is nothing more than a microeconomic issue that explains it: supply and demand. Today oil price estimates are lower, once Saudi Arabia reaching up his voice at the last meeting of the Organization of the petroleum exporting countries’s (OPEC), exporting cartel of oil composed of twelve countries in Vienna last week. This last meeting was conflicted, since OPEC did not accept the position of Saudi Arabia increase quotas of production of members to try to calm high prices of crude (especially Brent type), since high crude oil prices hinder recovery – fragile yet – United States and also in Europe after the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009. We should remember that before the increase in the price of the barrel around a 40% last year, and before the necessary replacement of oil coming from Libya that has disappeared from the market an offer of 1.3 million per day, and of Syria and Yemen affected by geopolitical problems; countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates seeking a halt to the rise in crude oil. According to the director of OPEC by Iran, Mohammad Ali Khatibi, Arabia and his followers have been too influenced by strong energy consumption as United States (friends) countries that are demanding cheaper fuel (the gallon of gasoline reached US$ 4 in the United States in a presidential election year with 25 million employees and underemployed and an economic recovery) too lethargic).