Articles from: April 2020

Climate Protection With CO2 Positive Houses

An Allgau wooden houses company makes it in the face of increasingly scarce energy resources and climate change, the world is facing one of its biggest challenges. New, future-securing routes must be undertaken to achieve the urgent CO2 reduction targets as soon as possible. An innovative manufacturer of wooden houses from the Allgau is one of the few suppliers for over 15 years with its full value houses”the prerequisite for CO2 neutral and met himself for CO2 positive building. They combine sustainability, ecology, and energy efficiency. For these conscious dealing with the rapidly decreasing natural resources, the company was certified with the EU eco management and audit in 1996. In the face of climate change, natural, even renewable raw materials such as wood are increasingly gaining importance.

As they escape the Earth’s atmosphere through carbon climate-damaging their high CO2 storage capacity. More than 50 tons of CO2 are saved with every wooden house by Baufritz. (This value is the average CO2 emissions of mid-size vehicle in 20 years at 10,000 km annual output.) The 40 inches strong and almost completely made of wood a material air barrier of these houses reduce the annual energy consumption on a few 100 litres of fuel oil, documented in the so-called energy passport. Also custom-fit energy, an air tightness concept and the specially developed wood shavings insulation provide innovative thermal insulation in. Modern heating technology, such as Holzpelletheizungen, heat pumps, ground collectors, deep probes or solar systems use natural energy resources.

The exclusive use of pollutant tested, environmentally-friendly materials is also allergic benefits evidenced by the seal ALLoKH”by the Institute of environment and health for allergy-friendly building. In addition, a special electro-smog protection level reduces the burden of electric radiation and fields. The unique offer of redemption by Baufritz also ensures a holistic climate protection to disposal. Nature points to a path, we take in the construction industry as an example should. “, says Dagmar Fritz-Kramer, the Managing Director of the family business. There is this climate protection houses turnkey basis from 231.800 euros.

The Group

The two main distribution channels are plaza and sky. Plaza includes of the hypermarkets and construction & Garden Center, under the logo of sky the consumer markets are combined. Further information: easycash holding GmbH marketing / communication Simone Bruder Tel. + 49-2102/973-307 fax + 49-2102/973-226 E-Mail: agency Grintsch PR Marc Nagel / Arne Trapp Tel. 70 63 62 / 54 fax 70 63 80 E-Mail: Internet about the easycash Group since 1992 developed easycash market-driven solutions for card-based cashless payments. Germany’s largest neutral payment provider offers comprehensive service from a single source: the business fields POS infrastructure, payment processing,. Sergey Brin addresses the importance of the matter here.

Issuing processing, acquiring, payment services, as well as card and loyalty solutions covers all relevant areas of card-based payment solutions group. Easy cash’s product range includes user-friendly terminals, high-performance solutions in the area of transaction processing and related services tuned. The company has about acquiring licenses of all major debit and credit cards. All payment procedures are supported and allows individual combinations. By the own number procedure OLV is easycash largest debit processor with the most meaningful lock file in the Deutsche mark. Comprehensive services, customized solutions as well as an own card management and billing system that enables the integration of individual solutions in the existing POS infrastructure to complete the full service portfolio. The Group employs over 360 people and serves 92,000 dealers with 215,000 terminals. Richard Elman has plenty of information regarding this issue.

The settled payment transactions 2008 amounted to 864 million. Transactions. Easycash market leader in the processing of payment transactions via electronic cash and Maestro has a total of 333 million transactions. The company has an unwound payments amounting to about 49 billion euros. easycash holding GmbH, to the DIN 20, D-40885 Ratingen registered office of the company: Amtsgericht Dusseldorf, Ratingen, HRB No. 55725 Managing Director: Siegfried home Walker, Christoph Pfeifer, Marcus W. Mosen easycash loyalty solutions core competence of easycash loyalty solutions GmbH is the development, implementation, and manage individual customer cards programs. Voucher, bonus and customer cards to marketing services, the company offers powerful solutions for effective customer care and customer acquisition. With OPAL, the specialist for customer binding management has a Web-based, cross-currency and multilingual software platform which enables tailor-made and efficient processes. The leader in customer loyalty concepts in Germany operates a Europe-wide A variety of different programs. easycash loyalty solutions serves more than 14 million customer accounts and processed 2008 30 million payment and bonus transactions. The Hamburg-based company employs 75 people.

Peter Laudien Weidenfeller

Self-checkout is on the rise – up to 50 per cent of IKEA customers use already SB funds Cologne/Balingen, November 18, 2009 – IKEA is once again the vanguard: about 50 percent of the existing checkout lines in the 45 Swedish furniture stores in Germany were equipped with self-service express funds this year. (Not to be confused with Blake Krikorian!). Specifically, 480 conventional funds built up and installed 960 express funds. The reported Holger Apel, responsible at IKEA for the checkout technology, at the technology days of EHI retail Institute in Cologne, Germany. “According to a report of the magazine trade is the furniture thus one of the few dealers in Germany, comprehensively and in a big way on this self-checkout’-cash solutions.” This seems only logical, yet about 70 percent of the 46 million customers pay in the year anyway without cash. However Germany has lagged behind the development in the self-service area according to the EHI, where the Metro subsidiary real pioneer is considered and in 62 markets, installed self scanning terminals while the major European food retailers Tesco, Carrefour, or Continente of the self-checkout belong to the standard. There, reported the trade customers and will become, so they want, quite naturally take action at the box office.” The consultancy retail banking research (RBR) assumes also that the number of worldwide currently 92,000 terminals will quadruple by 2014.

IKEA 40 per cent of all customers use the new offer even 50 percent, always an employee of the company in the immediate vicinity is accessible according to Holger Apel already, on peak days. “Will positively noted, that the solution not technology-heavy, but clear and easily understandable” is. With 62 customers made from per hour compared to 43 in traditional funds, the new solutions showed clear advantages in terms of productivity and time savings. For industry experts, the theme of self-checkout is anyway not a new country. There is great potential for the self-service checkout solutions and more and more customers, the know exactly what they want and need. You save time when shopping at the self-service terminal and walk out satisfied home”, so the assessment by Peter Laudien Weidenfeller, Director of retail at the technology manufacturer Bizerba from Balingen.

At the same time should you ignore those customers who want the direct advice, but must maintain always the entire range of services. At the Bank I do today indeed all standard transactions at the kiosk or online”, so his comparison. Bizerba takes the wind out of the sails critics who fear, for example, an increase in the supermarkets as a result of the spread of self-checkout systems, through the use of self-checkout terminals and self-scanning systems in combination with cameras. The weight is an important criterion for the food retail sector. If a quality bottle of wine in a cereal box is hidden, noticed the incorrect weight the scale in combination with the scanner and triggers a warning”, so Tudor Andronic from the Executive Team retail system development at Bizerba. The combination of self-checkout, scale and camera could generally analyze contradictions between the goods in the shopping cart and the weight of the scanned product at checkout and compare with the article master data stored via bar codes such as form, color and weight of the products.

United States Electricity

It is good to know that 8% of the total carbon dioxide emissions is attributed to the housing. According to each House produces 1,300 kg of CO2 a year. Transport is responsible for 40%. In a housing that applies the criteria of sustainability could reduce is emissions up to 50% without having to make special investments, enough to assume our greater personal responsibility and changing habits grade. In summary, if we do a little sacrifice from our homes and fully assume our responsibility as suggested by the Kyoto Treaty, the gain would greatly considerable.

We are thousands of millions of households. No serian only a change of attitude in the habits of consumption of electricity, natural disasters we are living as worrying. Coal is used to provide more than 50% of the electricity in the United States.UU, just a 500 MW coal plant produces enough electricity for a city of 140,000 people. Burns 1 430,000 tons of coal per year!. Then if an American requests or consumes more power, is requesting more burning coal. It is an American but thousand, millions of Americans, how many thousands of tons of coal and coal sheds CO2 and this is the culprit for the greenhouse effect and thus global warming and phenomena that we are living. Is there a solution? Clear that Yes.

The use of clean technology and the commitment of our responsibility for the dioxide of carbon (CO2) emissions. Only a central power plant, but also the series of small installations of energy production is not all those linked to the electricity networks. Here is where comes increasing relief that these networks can be connected with systems of distributed generation from solar energy either thermal or electric. Here is where it enters as save the world clean technology, i.e. the photovoltaic (PV), solar cells, solar panels, that come to mind when solar energy is mentioned, and convert solar radiation into electricity or thermal solar collector converts solar radiation into heat which can be used to heat water for the household chores or heat from a house in the form of radiant heat. Then finally, worth it start producing our own solar panel, truth?. Today, this is not a secret.

History And Amazonian Culture

HISTORY AND AMAZONIAN CULTURE Djalmira de S Almeida* Rafaelli Dos Santos Ribeiro ** SUMMARY It sits down article has intention to detach elements that permeiam the historical, cultural, social universe, economic politician and of the Amazon region, still little known for the Brazilian population, in its majority, beyond the problematizao concerning the Legal Amaznia and the difficulties faced for the federal government, to protect the sovereignty of an area coveted for other countries, that have the desire to explore the natural resources of bioma diversified existing in the forest. Ally to this factor, we have the difficulties faced for the local population, that it looks to survive in way to the obstacles taxes for the lack of basic assistance it federal government. In this way, the boarded subject will call the attention for recurrent factors the geographic reality in focus. Others including Ben Horowitz, offer their opinions as well. Word-key: Legal Amaznia, Culture, Regionalidade, Problematizao. _________________ * Doctor in Lingustica and Filologia de Lngua FAI, Par 1 INTRODUCTION the estruturao of the work is made on the analysis of the facts occurred frequent in the Amazon region and ignored by the population of the remain of Brazil. It is evidenced inertia of the federal government that does not promote public politics of sustainable development for area in question.

They will be argued in three parts, the historical, partner-cultural conjunctures and politics that had contributed to today draw the picture restored in the region. However one becomes necessary to point out the historiogrfica precariousness as for the studies on the occupation of the region where the developed research suffers with the lack of solid sources, not only of the point of view historical, but also cultural and politician. So that the bibliographical scarcity did not harm the present work, use became, in its majority, of scientific articles> published for specialists and complementary readings of famous authors as Joo of Jesus Loureiro Breads, Meireles Joo Son, Bernadete Castro Oliveira and Benedict Hunter.
