Articles from: August 2019

William Godwin

One became known for the workmanship frankenstein, this published in 1818, quandoShelley had 21 years, however it wrote with only 19 years. The auora was born in London. Son of Mary Wollstonecraft, considered aprimeira feminist, therefore influenced the first movements deemancipao of the woman and William Godwin, an anarchic theoretician, ejornalista writer politician. She had revolutionary attitudes before the instituiessociais. Mary was educated between the intellectuals who participated deseu circulate of friendships, as Hazlitt, Lamb, the poets Coleridge and Percy ByssheShelley, whom if its husband would become later. Com10 published its first poem years. The history of Frankenstein had beginning in the 1816 summer, when the writer and its Percy husband had congregated themselves with Claire Clairmont and LordByron in Geneva (Whisker).

Byron props a challenge for that they were there, to write a terror history, and was from there that it was born Frankenstein. Romancefilosfico that received simultaneous influences from the father and the mother of the writer. The environment of its father is of the small progressistado bourgeoisie end of sc. Read more here: mozes victor konig. XVIII, of those craftsmen cultured and clarified partisan dosJacobinos. We know that Frankenstein de Mary Shelley is obracarregada of social denunciations, portraies the trajectory of a personage who foiprivado of affection and generosity and through this, was played for ‘ ‘ nadasocial’ ‘. Being the social distinction ideally regulated by the merit dariqueza and of the education, it changed the picture of the old regimen, where the society erahierarquizada for estamentais criteria. In this direction, the form of if configuring the relations deinterdependncia between individuals moved completely. Then the workmanship denunciaque the material progress cannot come atrelado the social exclusion. The monster of Mary Shelley is not a man, but one to be semidentidade, without species, abandoned in the world, private of affection and condemned anunca to be part of the society that lives of appearance, of the wealth and the merit donome.

Portuguese Language

Stories, and in 1946 it only passed to be called by the heading created from the junction of the words Saga, that it means: fruitful narrative in incidents; narrative, history, story; the Rana word: pospositivo, of tupi rana ; fellow creature, seemed, of the feio of; it is a workmanship of great historical and estilstico value for the regional literature that if made at that moment. Its was through renewed lexicon, that Pink Guimares revitalized the regionalism, that was estagnado, almost disappeared. This writer with its new names, that they impregnate all the workmanship, makes in them to think about the great creative potential that the Portuguese Language has in same itself, therefore, it is with this workmanship divided in stories that Pink Guimares Joo appears for the first time in public in the literary universe and in the presenteia with the most beautiful demonstration of the magnificent quo it is our language. The author atribua> to the tyranny of the grammar nor to the one of the dictionaries of the others ; metaphor for honesty conceives the language as : the Brazilian still speaks, also in the filolgico direction, honest fera between men. All literature that is bred in the decade of thirty, introjetada for one rude realism, was benefited widely of the descending to the verbal language, to the brasileirismos and regionalismos syntactic lexicons and; however, in the plan to vocabular, the regionalistic writers of the decade of thirty, faced a problem of utmost importance for the literary creation: as to describe he says sertaneja to it: with the cultured lexicon, proper of the author, he says or it simple, proper of sertanejo? Or the junction of the two? Crossroads that led to the weakness of the regionalistic movement. In the decade of forty, a generation appears, that imbuda of all load proper politics and matureness of who passed for as many crises, mainly of the proper influence of the thirty generation, remakes the natural passage to the revitalizao of the regionalism.

The Society

Currently, the parents work in such a way to give sustenance in the home, who do not find time for its children. In general he is this that I observe. JPMorgan follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Many think about supplying all the necessities, making to them all the wills and with this do not perceive that one day this child goes to grow and normally she is changedded into a tyrant. They start to think that all they go to satisfy its desires and thus many adults are infantilizados and cost to adapt themselves in the society. It is thus the change of the habits that modernity brings in them. The people older than observe they comment, with youngest than they are in this way, they are white of spiced and disrespected critical sultry risinhos and. Happily, it has families more traditional conservatives and, who obtain to educate, with more wisdom; however they go to find many difficulties in the way, therefore when the children reach the age to go for the school, they go to share its lives with others of education total differentiated. The parents need to have much dialogue, not only between them, but also with the children; after all, the wealth of knowledge, folloied of discernment, starts inside of house, with a mature couple, of preference that believe in God and can pautar its behavior in a not devaneios learning where it has logic and, placing uncertainties in the education.

As it is rewarding to be able to look at the children in the adult age and to make a rocking of its lives in infancy. The walked one side by side, the laughs, the quarrels in the alias process, the counted estrias to the side of the bed before sleeping I fondle, it in the hair. These memories, I I bring with me, as luggage of my life. I believe that the balance was positive. It was valid to the penalty! I continue following and observing!
