Iran, Algeria, Angola, Libya, Venezuela and Ecuador voted against the proposal. The refusal in OPEC will have few immediate consequences, since it is presumed that Saudi Arabia will increase their deliveries to the market, using part of the nearly 3.5 million barrels of crude oil per day from its surplus capacity. Strictly speaking, Saudi Arabia, the largest producer of crude oil in the world, is already exceeding its quota on something as well as one million barrels of crude oil a day, says Emilio Cardenas, former Ambassador of the Republic Argentina to the United Nations. But the consequences are being felt, the expectation on a higher offer by Saudi Arabia, largest producer of the world’s oil, is pressuring the price of crude downward. Arabia increase its crude oil production from 8.8 million barrels per day (bpd) in may, to 10 million barrels per day, said the newspaper al – Hayat. Saudi Arabia has not extracted 10 million bpd for at least one decade, according to data from Reuters, production having peaked in July 2008 to 9.7 million bpd after prices touched a record of $ 147/barrel. It is the only oil producer inside and outside OPEC with significant availability capability. But this move is due to what moves markets: the expectations forward.
The market achieves read more demand today and assumes that this will be maintained, and whenever there’s no other conflict geopolitical, at least until OPEC again reunited in December or in an emergency meeting which translates as greater availability and a more offered commodity. The message from OPEC is that supply remains abundant. The result is the sale of positions. However, the Centre for Global energy studies (Centre for Global Energy Studies, CGES) says that the offer is already today insufficient to supply the market. Global inventories of crude oil fell at a rate of more than 1.4 million barrels per day in the second half of 2010. Saudi Arabia acknowledged having lowered their production in a few 800,000 barrels per day in March from February.
The reasons for the rise in prices of oil are not only bid, but also the demand side. They will have broken records absolute production at the beginning of the year – 90 million barrels a day–exceeding pre-crisis levels. The economic revival – if either slow – in countries such as United States or Europeans especially joined demand from emerging countries such as China, pressed about the price. According to the information of the energy management (EIA for its acronym in English) of the United States, Chinese production primary energy intensity more than twice to the European Union. In addition, China has emerged recently as the demanding world’s largest power, beating the previous leader, United States. China doubles energy consumption every ten years. Today over 10 million barrels per day, almost equaling the consumption of the EU. Even though the price of crude is correcting rising these days, its price remains high and should be kept. The real problem pressing on a very sensitive topic to world economies currently: economic recovery. The rise of oil will have an impact on global growth and according to the OECD, this cost almost one point of growth to countries more developed towards 2012. And same emerging economies, today engine of international growth, might be slowed down their economies.
Quite difficult to find such a domain industry, which would not use those or other pressure or suction hoses. They are used to transport various oil, gas, water, and other bulk, liquid and gaseous substances. Pressure hose is highly valued in those circumstances where you need to quickly connect a variety of containers and move a diverse raw materials without leaks. Its reliability and flexibility make it possible to skirt almost any obstacle and can withstand considerable pressure. All sleeves are classified several types. More often than others can be found pressure hoses reinforced frame which is a textile material.
This products are divided into classes depending on operating conditions. Pressure-suction hose Class 'P' are designed for pumping milk, water and other food grade 'F' are used when transferring combustible gases – compressed air, nitrogen, oxygen and other things, the class 'B' are used to pump process water, the class 'kw' – for the transfer of alkaline and acid environments. In some cases, also used a rubber hose metal braid, which gives high heat resistance and durability. When the temperature is 190 degrees, so the sleeve can withstand the pressure of 5 MPa. These characteristics abound in order to use delivery hose, for example, road works during the transportation of molten bitumen. For the transportation of combustible and flammable liquids, use an antistatic discharge hose, which guarantees Safety of creating sparks. Among other things, special high-pressure hoses, which are made of special synthetic materials that can withstand extremely high loads, but their application is limited by a negative temperature in -4 degree. When using equipment with a large cold should be applied dyuritovye sleeves, which work in a range from -60 to +100 degrees. Thus, the number of pressure Sleeveless fairly large to ensure all the needs of companies in all industries: from oil production and food processing to engineering and transportation.
Using methods to improve memory with older adults, can recommend activities of memory for seniors, which benefit from a surprising way to your relatives or friends and can strengthen a much better family ties, on the other hand, are not only helping him personal well-being but that at once serves you for your personal future. A survey carried out with my closest older relatives, consulted them when it was the time in the course of his life or actual age at which they began to feel that they were losing or feeling that his memory was failing and in addition to that, why it was that they were losing their memory. The first answers to those questions to share with you that reads this article, were as follows: A male family member told me that he began to feel that I lost the memory at the age of 60, with anegdotas as follows;He was walking from the Park towards my house and for a moment in the time left me pondering if it was the correct input or, at that time I didn’t realize that was losing a little memory. Then another female relative told me that calculates that as the age of 50 years began to fail him one of our most important organs in our life, because of care and health, she operated in the appendix is complicated a little in the hospital and unconscious step by a lapse of time, which told me that you forgot some family reunionsdating in specific places by elapsed time, referring to seconds or minutes, where hurt him a bit when it comes to arrive on time. For those answers and anegdotas of people like yourself or family member who knows that they can or they are going through that situation, I recommend you use these 3 methods to improve memory in older adults: listen to music of nature sounds for about 30 minutes a day, in a place where allows you to relax. The break in periods of 1 hour in the middle of the day for a week, that will help you to the body to be recharged.
Good nutrition is one of the most important methods for regeneration of the body and prevent mental aging. What if you do it now, begins this week to test these methods to improve the memory and see how it improves your attention and focus on the things you’re doing during the course of the day. Write me to know how you did and also tell me which are your biggest problems when trying to improve your memory. Thank you. Alejandro Cruz.
The housing savings is a requirement that the applicant for a loan must comply with the resources of the housing policy. To comply with the requirement of the housing savings, the worker, either dependent or independent, owner of company or professional, must provide a percentage of their monthly income to housing policy law. The housing savings is three percent of the full income received monthly and the contributory base of the housing policy Act. In the case of dependent workers, housing savings will be provided by the worker and the employer and be taken as contributory base of the housing policy Act, all monthly collected revenues forming part of full pay, such as holiday bonuses, utilities, fees, hours extras, etc. It will not form part of the full pay, for the purpose of housing savings, non-recurring payments or payment by concept of power bonus. In this case no payment will be part of the quotation of the housing policy Act by basket ticket. This housing savings amount must be deposited in the first five working days of each month in a special account in the mandatory savings fund for housing (faov).
On the other hand, in the case of self-employed workers, housing savings will be voluntary, i.e., according to the law on housing policy, so an independent worker sees is benefited with credits of housing policy, voluntarily must enroll in the National Housing Bank and Habitat (Banavih). The volunteer worker must be considered for housing savings, the three percent of their income, this being the basis of quotation of the housing policy Act, and shall deposit the respective housing savings in a special account corresponding to the Fund’s voluntary savings for housing (favv) in the first five days of each month. The housing savings will be available for full or partial payment for the purchase of main house, as well as the extension, remodelling and self-construction of property, refinancing or payment of mortgage credits according to the housing policy. The housing savings will be refunded when the worker is beneficiary of retirement, old age, invalidity or disability pension unless it expresses its willingness to continue contributing to the housing policy law. Saving housing of each contributor worker to the compulsory savings for Housing Fund, may be subject to partial or total cession in the terms established by law of housing policy.
Housing saving allows the worker requesting a credit for housing policy which will be determined according to the contributory base of the housing policy Act up to a maximum amount of Bs. 271.858 for people earning income up to seven thousand bolivares. In the event that the worker earn up to two thousand six hundred bolivars a month, it may be a direct housing subsidy. The housing savings is a solution of the housing policy for families of fewer resources and whose contributory base of the housing policy Act is considered to design an eminently social housing policy.
If you have preferred stocks and don’t know what you have purchased, you can start to find out already. The majority of investors who have bought the product, do not know what they have done. Let indefinitivamente the savings of a lifetime to a banking entity, isn’t a good investment. This is not a warning for people who knew what they did when they bought the preferred shares. We only give the alert that the entities may be resorting to a legal scam to solve the solvency ratios.
No matter if you are a client of the entity from many years ago, or if you work in the. Also they cheated his family to keep the job. The majority of investors, workers who have saved all their lives, veen as their savings just by disappearing, only quedandoles a few numbers that will not serve anything, for all eternity. Investment in preferred, money lost. Have you read the contract before you sign the purchase order? Gets the entity is not required to pay dividends, or to repay the investment. If quiereis to sell your redemption of preference shares, the only way is the one that esplico in the page. All information is free. With satisfaction, we are paid. Luck, a hug, francesco.