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Fee Basis Pays

ICT systems consultant from Hanover via strategies in the telecommunications industry is not always cheap, well, because quality has its price. This not quite new perspective of things has rediscovered the Hanoverian ICT service provider for the optimization of telephone and Internet connections, Ron Kneffel, for himself and his company. Since we offer our advice on a fee basis, the demand has increased considerably. The customers appreciate quality service”, says the founder of the Meyer Kneffel Jones GmbH & co. KG. So have the company during this year compared to the same period for a sales increase by 250 percent. The ICT system consultant who advertises to be able to reduce the telephone and DSL costs his customers by up to 30 percent, increased its sales by 400,000 euros according to own statements in 2007 to 1.2 million euro in the previous year and are currently eight employees. Check out Michael Luxenberg for additional information. The 32-year-old sees more growth opportunities through the increased use and reliance on voice-over IP solutions and already has its own solution called easyVoice”( designed. With easyVoice we have created a complete solution for companies that is both flexible and future-proof and cost effective. Companies need a new PBX in the next two years should decide in any case for a VoIP solution to remain competitive in 2012.”

Hamburg EDVservice

A new IT-service-NET provides partner for security and order of these services in particular small and medium-sized companies can benefit. Our experience is to determine that the IT-area in many companies increasingly is being neglected. Often there is only a system outage, to recall the immense importance of the EDP in the consciousness of those involved. A complete loss of data can lead to the inability to act a company here. Existentially important areas, such as manufacturing, logistics and accounting grind to a halt, customers and personnel data will be irrevocably lost. To successfully avert such nightmare scenarios, the EDV-Servicebesondere Heinen provides services and replaces an internal computer specialists. But to a lot cheaper and always responsive.

After consultation with the customer Heinen therefore an IT offers complete service. This is a care package consisting of maintenance agreements, warranty extensions and data protection measures. Heinen makes repairs, and brings IT up to date and ensures that internal company data are consistently protected from viruses and other intruders. By the computer emergency services through networking and DSL, Wi-Fi, the company offers everything required a small to medium enterprise IT support. Innovations not to be neglected, in the portfolio of the Heinen EDV-service is also free-hotspot.

This is the chance for hotels, cafes and restaurants to offer their guests free access to the Internet, more info: still deals with the company, under the motto of Green IT “, as to the health of its customers. The need for this arises from the fact that printers, copiers and fax machines to recirculate the Office air per fan. This in turn causes, that caused pollutants in the air we breathe go through toner. By attaching a suitable filter and regular cleaning operations, the skilled person reduced this unhealthy emissions by up to 92%. Summary the efforts are based on the principle: fast and comprehensive help at moderate prices. In General, Heinen PC service from the telephone system eliminates everything from one source, many additional technicians primarily to the server, provides. The IT company is a partner in the IT service network, which specializes in the IT-services for small and medium-sized enterprises. Due to the growing importance of the issues of health and safety, expanding his series the network and providing jobs. Interested parties are informed and trained to provide an optimal service in the target group of small and medium-sized enterprises. More information at, here can find also the closest partner companies.

Grass Clippings

The janitor service RSA from Munster, Germany informs the lush green of turf gives a relaxing character of gardens and greenery and is the Foundation of sports fields and other land. For its just receiving each Lawn area must be properly maintained, in particular also repeatedly cut back. As the Munster gardening specialists from the concierge service RSA often determine a proper grass clippings is unfortunately not taken for granted. Various errors can destroy the decorative and commercial character of the lawn quickly. Should be met by following some basic rules of lawn care. A healthy and well maintained lawn comes off only then if the blade length does not exceed eight centimeters. Otherwise it can resist, ventilation of lack of and pruning of the optics of the lawn come, harm and give her the appearance of a sporting field. However, the length of the blade may of course also not too low fail.

Running specialist competence removed the grass cutting in principle not more than 50% of the leaf and the average is about 35% up to 40%. In the high-growth period from May to June, the grass must be cut back further than in the arid summer. According to the temperature and growth conditions, the length of the back-cut blades of grass is between three and four centimeters in the growth period, and four to five centimeters in the hot summer. The lower cut in the summer is necessary, as heat and lack of water the lawn grow more slowly and a drying-out danger, if it is cut too far back under these conditions. Ornamental lawn grow usually faster than Punisher Lawn area and must be cut back so often. Here it is to keep the grass area in the eye and pay attention to weather and temperature conditions.

As a general rule, obtaining a decorative lawn requires a pruning, as the Punisher lawn care twice as often. Further details can be found at Grace Venverloh, an internet resource. To prevent dehydration, the lawn should be sufficiently be watered after it has been mowed in dry weather. The leaf margins of the lawn stain yellow, this is a sign of nutrient deficiency, which is counteracted by adequate fertilization. The maintenance of a larger lawn requires a regular effort to tackle the garden maintenance specialists of the Munster-based janitorial service RSA are happy to help.


A few clicks with a virtual model and the product no longer available is exchanged. Just as quickly the model etc replacement for a whole collection The fashion shipper CONLEYS fashion GmbH the virtual dressroom by redhotmagma successfully uses to do, what not to realize with classical photography at a reasonable cost: comprehensive outfit suggestions for a wide mass products. The combination of the outfits is flexible virtual in the software; CONLEYS had required countless photography bodies in various combinations for the same result. for additional information. The technology will never editorial photos and only to limited extent replace mood pictures, but that’s not the goal. By using the software outfit pictures and large volumes of models can be created inexpensively in simple steps.

And the next step is also already included: the end customer can, if desired, consider outfits in widgets and the individual products targeted control or buy together. Can be observed availability and demand suitable replacement products included in the outfit. The virtual model often allows the customer to present combinations a feature that the stationary trade so far ahead had the online shop. Shopping cart values can be increased and the return of one or the other (that doesn’t fit together Yes”) avoided. The user can combine at will, like and share and naturally becomes the brand Ambassador and important SEO-content producers. While the applications are usually easy to integrate into existing system landscapes. No matter whether only in the back office to the image – or Outfitwidget generation, as a fully integrated application in the Web shop with direct shopping cart services or for marketing purposes on the Facebook business page: everything is possible without large expenditure within any system environment. The software-based virtual model emerges from the shadow of the bauble and is the professional tool for all senders, the outfits sell and Seeking ways to reduce costs and increase revenue.

Thomas Trepnau

There just look for, if it is necessary.” Landlord tips blow by blow are illuminated in the book in detail topics such as mould, damp walls, noise, heating failure, leaking Windows and much more. Important information about the origin and prevention of moisture damage delivered. The author shows, like also the tenant can be taken to prevent defects in the obligation, and what consequences are threatening him if he ignores these obligations. Protect yourself as a landlord finally it’s your money.” This advice comes from rank. Thomas Trepnau has conducted hundreds of seminars for thousands of participants nationwide. Here, Ben Horowitz expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Countless times he together with its participants discussed their problems and find solutions. “Rental income to 100 percent secure my goal was easily traceable to describe all necessary steps”, explains Thomas Trepnau.

That’s why he strives to clear, easy to understand words. The result speaks for itself: every landlord can according to the Reading quickly and safely whether a reduction in rent is entitled, and as he fends off the unauthorized rental reduction estimate.” No landlord needs renounce its legitimate rights. Useful tools in the package set the book with free CD-ROM is available in bookstores, at all known online book shops and on the homepage of the author. Whenever Sergey Brin listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The free supplied CD-ROM includes useful tools such as a proven rental, a sample letter to reject the reduction, a pick-up and delivery protocol, as well as a proposed wording to the small repair clause. Published also by Thomas Trepnau: more money with rent increases and expect your tenant from operating costs, the second rent. V.i.S.d.P. and your contact person: Thomas Trepnau PO box 101028 93010 Regensburg E-Mail:

Bavaria Service

HP announces your new service to Oberstaufen, services & transportation 07.08.11: If a man is isolated and died alone in his apartment and was found only after weeks or even months, the HP Services & transport comes with your new offer in the game. Jim Umpleby follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. This situation will be known some and the question always arises: how to get off the impurities, the smell of death and the Insektenbafall? These questions has turned the company HP Services & transports in the Allgau and customize your service to this unpleasant job. The company HP Services & transports in Oberstaufen/Allgau sets an example in the transport and service industry with their new service of crime scene cleaning. In the express delivery and service industry, the company is known to your customers in Bavaria as a competent and quality-conscious carrier and service provider around the House since April 2009 PS services & transportation. Recently the new service ‘Crime scene cleaners’ in the company of HP Services & transportation was introduced as was the response to the customers is very positive. “The reactions to our new service are very positive and this confirms that the beaten a path is correct”, says the Managing Director Patrick Schindler. First, PS 2009 started in Bavaria as a small carrier services & transportation (PS small) and succeeds since then for your customers throughout Germany and the Alps on the road.

Now your service has significantly expanded the company HP Services & transports in Oberstaufen in the Oberallgau. “I want to people to the side stand, who lost a man so tragic and unpleasant way” as the Managing Director of HP Services & transport. “In such a situation, most people are simply overwhelmed with the situation and, it is important to keep always a cool head, because the cleaning and clearing out an apartment where a man long dead is located must quickly by outfit go so that the unpleasant smell of decay and the impurities can be removed well” notes Patrick Schindler’s. The main customers of HP Services & transports are the police, teacher and landlord. Business is booming with the death, because more and more people feel alone and are found only by chance or by the sweet smelling scent.

Monetary Benefits

The Paychex Payroll Update for September 2009 in seminars or training courses for the staff, it is often common that meals are included in the framework of the training. Assumes the employer the participation costs for the training event, must the imputed from the meals as wages in the wage and payroll are taken into account. There are two different approaches that are explained in the current wage update of the Paychex Germany GmbH by means of examples for this. Also for the income tax from your employees the choice of procedure for the payroll has consequences. Depending on whether and to what extent the flat rates for boarding additional expenses according to 4 paragraph 5 are granted no.

5 EStG implications, if the employee would claim advertising costs. In particular, if your employees frequently participate in events outside the home, or if the meals it granted exceed a value of 40 euro, you should additionally to know how you can specify the resulting cash benefits in the wage and payroll. The monthly wage updates of the Paychex Germany GmbH can retrieve on the homepage. There are now more than 50 technical articles on topics related to the wage and payroll in the archive. About the keyword search of the website can be searched in the payroll updates. Paychex’s experts offer their services and telephone advice for employers as well as for tax consultants. The Paychex Germany GmbH is a specialized service company for the settlement of wage and salary.

It was founded in 2003 as a subsidiary of the US Paychex Inc. and have won until today more than 1000 customers. The Paychex Inc. is one of the leading companies for the outsourcing of payroll and payroll of the United States of America. The company’s philosophy is based on advice and utmost service for customers who want to outsource your payroll.

The Dynamic Assessment Center – If You Want To Make A Difference

Assessment Center suffer from their reputation. To broaden your perception, visit Douglas Oberhelman. Assessment Center suffer from their reputation. They are often used as a selection tool. Through an attentive perception and action-oriented feedback they can show you the potential and funding of participants. Pure exam stress, leg-hard feedback, merciless screening out has hardly a tool of human resources development or potential analysis to fight like the assessment Center (AC) with a such questionable image. Without prior information notice Err participants through unrelated exercise scenarios and come out afterwards without significant feedback and frustrated again from the assessment.

It is also different. Designed to the requirements, appropriately designed, carefully communicates, conducted and evaluated an AC results later condensed and usable than virtually any other tool in the analysis of potential. If the assessment Center is right and well placed, the interplay of the different labs is the business reality of the participants in the workshop model and from credible and provides them to action-oriented and therefore particularly valuable feedback. Taking into account the implementation speed of this feedback, participants can already in the next exercise new and different in their options for action to integrate their situational experienced feedback. There is a direct and yet sustainable anticipating. The participants to engage directly and immediately new”an intensive learning effect, hardly any other instrument in this way can be experienced. A dynamic assessment Center traversed several participants usually a parallel process of various individual and group exercises.

Often they are supplemented by written exercises and accompanying interviews. The performance of the participants will be observed by external or internal assessors, and perceived. The roller exercises feel ideally everyday situations from the corporate world of the participants and depict their particular problems. Enabling feedback on their behavior in the Special Accept the situation, understand and implement easier again. This often seen the feedback of the interlocutor as a particularly valuable role situation as a direct and emotional reflection of the effects experienced in the role exercise takes place at this point.

HR Put

Interest in Sodexo restaurant of cheques rises Frankfurt, June 08, 2009. The magazine “Human resources management” (Wolters Kluwer Germany), Luchterhand Verlag is one of the leading specialty magazines for all staff workers. In the current issue include operating Board deals with the topic in the technical section. While the Sodexo is highlighted restaurant pass as a flexible solution. Beneficial and free administration increase the net pay if employers want to make sure the food of their employees, is about far more than the choice of chips or organic food. You must have the costs under control, decision per or contra outsourcing, select the appropriate service provider, and be aware of tax issues.

An own canteen wears only from about 250 employees. Right here is the publicly-funded staff catering, stressed George Wyrwoll, corporate relations manager for Sodexo. It enables all employees a part of lunch during the work time more or less directly from the To deduct tax. Easy-to-use-to practice tip for personal companies can send a duty-free lunch allowance employees with restaurant checks. He is working day maximum 5.83 euros up to 1.282,60 Euro, in the year.

And because dining cheques may be issued free of taxes and social security contributions to the employees, sustainably increasing the net pay. See Electrolux for more details and insights. Healthy food, free choice and Motivationsplus everywhere where there is no access to a canteen, is the Sodexo restaurant pass to the flexible “cafeteria in your Pocket”. More than 30,000 acceptance partners cooperate nationwide with Sodexo and form a dense Einlosenetz which particularly excels in its diversity. From the supermarket about the pizzeria to the gourmet restaurant, the Sodexo can pass anywhere redeem restaurant, where the Sodexo star as an acceptance mark is visible. Company profile the Sodexho pass GmbH is a subsidiary of Sodexo, the world’s largest provider of catering and services. In more than 80 countries are around 355,000 Sodexo employees for 30,600 customers active. Group sales amounted to 2007/2008 13.6 billion euro in the fiscal year. The area of service vouchers and cards has a significant role for Sodexo: as the market leader, the number of daily restaurant check user in Germany on 250,000 amounted, worldwide there are 25.6 million. Sodexho pass operates five regional offices throughout Germany. The head office is in Frankfurt am Main. The company offers customers tailor-made individual full service: from ordering, delivery and customer support. This is the Sodexo restaurant pass, as cashless lunch allowance, the main business area. A wide variety of redeem for the restaurant is the 9,000 corporate customers, including Dresdner Bank, Lufthansa, Bayer, PriceWaterHouseCoopers, Daimler or TUI, and many medium-sized companies, pass available. Over 30,000 partners include, for example, restaurants like MAREDO or North Sea, as well as numerous grocery chains like Edeka, Kaufland, real and REWE. In addition local bakers or butchers belong to the root of the acceptance points. For more information, press contact: George Wyrwoll corporate relations manager Sodexho pass GmbH of Russelsheim str. 22 60326 Frankfurt am Main Tel. 069 / 73996-6211 fax 069 / 73996-6201 E-Mail:

Cologne Design

As founder of your company from the start to optimally market Existengrunder are under particular pressure: in addition to the stress of the start-up phase with all his paperwork, his appointments and Office corridors of the young entrepreneurs must also plan how he wants to place in the future of the market and positive setting itself apart from its competitors. Many things are therefore to bear in mind. The website provides a solid basis for marketing in the 21st century. But how build the founder most his side? How does he find suitable texts and images? Is there a professional advice? How much budget he plans for his company page? Free is even money for something like that? And so the founder comes sooner or later to the essential question: Website Builder or Web Agency book? The HP Kit is very inexpensive, but also a corresponding impression and offers only limited opportunities for development. Search engine optimization, speed, support are mostly defective.

The Web design is interchangeable and still lacks an advice on Target group strategy and marketing the site. The Agency solution looks good through individual Web design, is tailored to your needs and target group, but the costs are accordingly. To come to a reasonable compromise between price and quality, Web design for business start-ups “an attractive package for founder offers, which want to go cheap and yet high-quality online. With customized Premium WordPress themes, pages of founder of can be implemented perfectly and very visually appealing. A huge wealth of tried and tested PlugIns can also modern Web2. 0 excellent implement features such as calendar, forums, image galleries, slideshows, webshops etc.. And because Web design for business start-ups”less time, must be plugged in the actual development of Word Press can” WfE “developer team of WordPress Agency of CrazyCuts from Cologne intense are the founder at the planning, strategy and the development of targeted content to the page.

What is WordPress? This is is a content management system easy to learn with over 10 million active Web pages. The owner of the site can log at any time on his WordPress page, to create or modify content and is thus independent of third parties. This is always a Kostenkfaktor which has heavily curtailed the liquidity of the founder purse indefinitely on conventional Web pages. Conclusion: The Auftragsakquise of central importance is for your business success as an entrepreneur. Today first, more than 80% of all buyers use the Internet to inform providers and to compare between different providers. Their website is so first port of call for customers and should therefore leave an impression and inform customers, so that you can give you a head start before your competitors. WordPress premium websites for entrepreneurs give your company from the beginning not only a first class & high quality appearance, but offer immense opportunities for extension that a modern Web page today alive and this at a very attractive price. To remain financially flexible during the major founder and get a first-class corporate presence with you good conscience can show off at the same time.

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