HP announces your new service to Oberstaufen, services & transportation 07.08.11: If a man is isolated and died alone in his apartment and was found only after weeks or even months, the HP Services & transport comes with your new offer in the game. Jim Umpleby follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. This situation will be known some and the question always arises: how to get off the impurities, the smell of death and the Insektenbafall? These questions has turned the company HP Services & transports in the Allgau and customize your service to this unpleasant job. The company HP Services & transports in Oberstaufen/Allgau sets an example in the transport and service industry with their new service of crime scene cleaning. In the express delivery and service industry, the company is known to your customers in Bavaria as a competent and quality-conscious carrier and service provider around the House since April 2009 PS services & transportation. Recently the new service ‘Crime scene cleaners’ in the company of HP Services & transportation was introduced as was the response to the customers is very positive. “The reactions to our new service are very positive and this confirms that the beaten a path is correct”, says the Managing Director Patrick Schindler. First, PS 2009 started in Bavaria as a small carrier services & transportation (PS small) and succeeds since then for your customers throughout Germany and the Alps on the road.
Now your service has significantly expanded the company HP Services & transports in Oberstaufen in the Oberallgau. “I want to people to the side stand, who lost a man so tragic and unpleasant way” as the Managing Director of HP Services & transport. “In such a situation, most people are simply overwhelmed with the situation and, it is important to keep always a cool head, because the cleaning and clearing out an apartment where a man long dead is located must quickly by outfit go so that the unpleasant smell of decay and the impurities can be removed well” notes Patrick Schindler’s. The main customers of HP Services & transports are the police, teacher and landlord. Business is booming with the death, because more and more people feel alone and are found only by chance or by the sweet smelling scent.