Articles from: November 2021

Professor Boxer

For the boxer is very important to improve the correct form of high-speed train and bring to a perfect speed, precision motor skills and reaction in all their various forms. As shown by our psychologists – Professor N. Zimkin, Yakovlev, A. Krestovnikov and others – a form of speed training should be the main form in any sports specialization as only this form of training can properly orient the coaches in the selection of diverse physical preparation of athletes. However, as further research and analysis experience, excessive increase narrowly focused, high-speed train can lead to negative results – to early fatigue and even deterioration of functional capacity of the organism boxer.

In this case, it is very important to worse fitness of the organism to high-speed loads. All this leads to a decrease in athletic performance, to a progressive increase in excitability, irritability, etc The complexity of the problem is still in that we should not just develop quickness in its various forms, and develop so that it is the most important quality of a boxer could remain high for some time, in terms of the large nerve and physical stresses experienced by the boxer during the competition. Therefore, the speed, stability and accuracy of actions – the main factors in the sports equipment boxer, which ensures a high efficiency and efficiency. Only the combination of these qualities can be said about the high level of fitness boxer. As is well known muscles in our body particularly the functional and physiological properties – excitability, ie, ability under the influence of certain stimuli to come to an active state of activity – the reduction.
