A few clicks with a virtual model and the product no longer available is exchanged. Just as quickly the model etc replacement for a whole collection The fashion shipper CONLEYS fashion GmbH the virtual dressroom by redhotmagma successfully uses to do, what not to realize with classical photography at a reasonable cost: comprehensive outfit suggestions for a wide mass products. The combination of the outfits is flexible virtual in the software; CONLEYS had required countless photography bodies in various combinations for the same result. for additional information. The technology will never editorial photos and only to limited extent replace mood pictures, but that’s not the goal. By using the software outfit pictures and large volumes of models can be created inexpensively in simple steps.
And the next step is also already included: the end customer can, if desired, consider outfits in widgets and the individual products targeted control or buy together. Can be observed availability and demand suitable replacement products included in the outfit. The virtual model often allows the customer to present combinations a feature that the stationary trade so far ahead had the online shop. Shopping cart values can be increased and the return of one or the other (that doesn’t fit together Yes”) avoided. The user can combine at will, like and share and naturally becomes the brand Ambassador and important SEO-content producers. While the applications are usually easy to integrate into existing system landscapes. No matter whether only in the back office to the image – or Outfitwidget generation, as a fully integrated application in the Web shop with direct shopping cart services or for marketing purposes on the Facebook business page: everything is possible without large expenditure within any system environment. The software-based virtual model emerges from the shadow of the bauble and is the professional tool for all senders, the outfits sell and Seeking ways to reduce costs and increase revenue.