Tax advisors from Munich shows new ways on new niche? In times of increasing competition in almost all industry segments, it is always necessary to specialize and to find new niches, to assert itself economically in the long term. In particular, the fact that a number of independent accountants, mostly makes it difficult the commandment of Economics individual entrepreneurs, on the press market and one of the core businesses of the tax advisor, accounting, can offer usually much cheaper, tremendously, because many clients are no longer willing, the cost as a tax consultant here for must calculate to wear. In addition, many tasks of tax consulting, which had to be edited manually time consuming until recently, resolve increasingly computer-based. Thorsten Ratzke, an accountant in Munich presents here, how you can compensate the amended sign and requirements of the market in the field of tax consulting and business trust to be interesting as a tax consultant for clients, have a clear added value be visible. R6 has recognized this, because in a classic profession such as the tax and economic trust, which is associated with a well-defined portfolio and range of services, it is difficult to draw up an expandable specialization. Many accountants do, or try to delineate colleagues of the tax consultants offer”, by they focus on specific client groups, such as target groups such as individual entrepreneurs or specific sectors. The accountant from Munich, has here struck a more interesting way: instead of the usual way to go and to specialize in, clients and clients of certain sectors of tax consultants in Munich expands just performance. R6 as additional performance now very successful energy consulting offers but the accountant from Munich here not even advises, but he builds on synergies.
The consultations in terms of energy efficiency are done by trained energy consultants. The tax advisor, himself a founding member, use the competence of the Association companies accompanying stb ev”, which covers all needs from consulting to managing funding opportunities. Many are now wondering what tax and energy consulting relating. At first glance seems to be given between the two areas not necessarily a correlation on second glance certainly indicates that the accountant can contribute a lot to an efficient energy consulting quite. The reason is mainly that the tax advisor on data can be accessed, which must be collected otherwise only tedious. Thorsten Ratzke, the accountant from Munich has already before it comes to the energy advice, all necessary information on hand.
With consent of the clients, the accountant, passes it the energy advice can be handled thus far shorter and less expensive. In Bavaria, the aspect of the energy consulting through the introduction of the environmental pact of Bavaria label gets”a dimension and attractiveness, which paid off especially for entrepreneurs makes. But also for private energy efficiency and savings is essential and permanently present something that brings high savings potential with. The accountants from Munich picks up exactly this potential and helps his clients, so in terms of sustainability and financial savings on the jumps. The chances are, that this form of future-oriented consulting in the longer term will prevail, especially as a clear added value is transparent for the clients.