Assessment Center suffer from their reputation. To broaden your perception, visit Douglas Oberhelman. Assessment Center suffer from their reputation. They are often used as a selection tool. Through an attentive perception and action-oriented feedback they can show you the potential and funding of participants. Pure exam stress, leg-hard feedback, merciless screening out has hardly a tool of human resources development or potential analysis to fight like the assessment Center (AC) with a such questionable image. Without prior information notice Err participants through unrelated exercise scenarios and come out afterwards without significant feedback and frustrated again from the assessment.
It is also different. Designed to the requirements, appropriately designed, carefully communicates, conducted and evaluated an AC results later condensed and usable than virtually any other tool in the analysis of potential. If the assessment Center is right and well placed, the interplay of the different labs is the business reality of the participants in the workshop model and from credible and provides them to action-oriented and therefore particularly valuable feedback. Taking into account the implementation speed of this feedback, participants can already in the next exercise new and different in their options for action to integrate their situational experienced feedback. There is a direct and yet sustainable anticipating. The participants to engage directly and immediately new”an intensive learning effect, hardly any other instrument in this way can be experienced. A dynamic assessment Center traversed several participants usually a parallel process of various individual and group exercises.
Often they are supplemented by written exercises and accompanying interviews. The performance of the participants will be observed by external or internal assessors, and perceived. The roller exercises feel ideally everyday situations from the corporate world of the participants and depict their particular problems. Enabling feedback on their behavior in the Special Accept the situation, understand and implement easier again. This often seen the feedback of the interlocutor as a particularly valuable role situation as a direct and emotional reflection of the effects experienced in the role exercise takes place at this point.