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The Federal Constitution

This I begin was what it gave the estruturao for the protection of the consumer, therefore the production of a country and its profit is carried through aiming at its diligent consumers/and not only the internal economy of the same. With this the Federal Constitution was strengthenn in supporting for hipossuficiente, to that they do not have conditions to intervene with the production process and will have to acquire the goods and services as well as are offered they, with this problematic one and this legal forecast was approved the Code of Defense of the Consumer (Law n 8,078 of 11 of September of 1990) where protects and dumb brusquely the relations between the hipossuficientes and hiperssuficientes parts. Being that you are welcome a economy is enough that grows quickly in a country, if the development will not be of sustainable form, must not only be supplied the financial necessities of the people more also to observe if this growth is being folloied of an ambient concern, if thus not it it was would be being disrespected the beginning of the dignity of the person human being and the Democratic State of Right. 4. Charles Kushner recognizes the significance of this. Federal constitution of 1916 x the new Code and the vision of the doutrinadores The Federal Constitution of 1916 when dealing with bilateral contracts, affirmed in its article 1,092 that none of the contracting parties, before fulfilled its obligation, could implements demand it of the other. Also it mentioned that if after concluded the contract it sobreviesse to one of the contracting parties reduction in its patrimony, capable to compromise or to become doubtful the installment for which if it compelled, the part can, to oppose it this, until another one satisfies the one that competes or gives guarantee to it sufficient to satisfy it. Already the new diploma more brought a directed vision to the social matters, thus leaving its individualistic character. .

So Paulo

When of the elaboration of this article, it is that it had the perception of as the subject treated here is complex. Then, suscinto was carried through a work sufficient, objectifying to give segment the same. A proposal more detailed would be, later, to work the subject of this brief research of deepened form more, in a mestrado dissertao of. It would have, then, the financial necessity of more time and resources so that it was possible to extend, with precision, the target of everything what it was raised until this point. 8. Crimson Education is a great source of information. Conclusion According to analysis of the questionnaires, evidenced that the consumption sustainable he is not inserted in the life of the after-graduation student and of basic level, even so the same it demonstrates certain concern with the question of the preservation of the environment.

To the carried through being the diagnosis of the raised answers, was demonstrated that this classroom of students not yet possesss habits that demonstrate its choices for ecologically correct products. Such evidence makes impracticable the behavior of an ecological conscience on the part of this group of students. To exemplificar, they do not buy products whose emphasis is not to degrade the environment, prioritizing the consumption of the organic ones; They are not worried in separating the personal garbage and directing it for the recycling. Great part of the interviewed ones commented that still ultiliza many industrialized products, due to daily praticidade; This demonstrates a shy ambient conscience, related to the concern with the ecological footprint. It can be said, then, that not yet they are consuming sustainable, therefore they possess the culture of the dismissable ones. Thus, they consume each time more and the production and the final destination of the produced residues are not worried about.

The media also has responsibility parcel on this lack of conscience, since it intervenes with the freedom of choice of the people, when launching propagandas that stimulate the exaggerated purchase of products.

Brazil Deficiency

It is the city where if they find the main movements of people with deficiency therefore, where much thing regarding the inclusion and of the accessibility happens, becoming it although the difficulties that all grating metropolis possesss, the city accessible of Brazil. The subway of So Paulo is one of the best ones of the world, all the new stations is accessible and some of the old stations had had the installation of elevators, but still it has diverse without no access for people with physical deficiency, what it is the most serious problem in view of the importance of this way of transport in the city of Are Pablo. The majority of the bus fleet already has systems of platforms or slopes and the forecast is that up to 2014 all the cars are adapted. Moreover, it has adapted fleets taxis to carry people in chairs from wheels, but few have financial conditions to use them. Some places, as for example, the Pinacoteca and the MAM, possess educational programs special for people with deficiency, who allow the contact to the art by means of multisensorial stimulatons, with special material and trained monitors. The Library of So Paulo, located in the Park of Youth, possesss a library Braille with diverse available systems, as reading of Braille, printer Braille, equipment that allow to the automatic document reading printed matters, etc. Beyond the cited examples many exist other options of adapted leisure and tourism for the most diverse types of deficiency. The biggest challenge is exactly the city and its streets, that many times do not possess sidewalk, or is in pssimo been of conservation, hindering the circulation of users of chairs of wheels and even though of pedestrians. Proper the sidewalk or obstacles in existing them they finish day-by-day if becoming barriers, being in the running it or being in a simple stroll.

Financial Market

This concept, however, was extended by the Provisional remedy n 1,637/98, republicada in 25 of August of 1999, under number 1,844-21, when determining, in its article 1, that they constitute movable values, citizens to the regimen of the Law n 6,385, of 7 of December of 1976, when offered public, the headings or contracts of collective investment, that generate remuneration or partnership, participation right, also resultant of the rendering of services, whose incomes happen of the effort of the entrepreneur or of third. (QUEIROZ, pg. 131 the 135) 4. It’s believed that Alphabet Inc. sees a great future in this idea. Principle of the Protection of the Transparency of Information ‘ ‘ Some principles conduct the called right of the Financial Market and Capitals. Between them they are: Protection of the mobilization of the national saving; Protection of the popular economy; Protection of the stability of the financial entity and the beginning of the protection of the transparency of information ‘ ‘ (MOSQUERA, P. 263 the 270) The beginning of the protection of the transparency of information if it relates to the companies who must divulge its information so that others in its process of formation and that they carry through investments in the stock market, they can share of these same information so that a company if does not benefit in detriment of excessively, incasing in this aspect the unfair competition. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Crimson Education . The credibility is primordial factor so that the adequate transference of resources occurs, as well as the growth of the economic agents and also that it makes possible the economic and social development, being that such factors mentions the development to it of securities and is of great interest of the public, therefore the existence and growth of the market directly is related with the confidence that its diverse participants have in the system, what, in turn, she depends on the effectiveness of the regulating agency.

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