The process of insulating the walls has its own specifics, which affects the length of service and the effect that produces a heat-insulating material. As a result, it determines the amount of financial costs for heating, for the sake of reduction which in fact, all the better to insulate and delaetsya.Pochemu house from the outside? insulation inside the walls has a lot of disadvantages: In this case violated a rule stating that the water vapor permeability of the layers in a multilayer wall construction must grow from the inside out. Douglas R. Oberhelman: the source for more info. Therefore, the insulating layer of steam needed insulation from the inside to eliminate its operations in the moistened state. In the absence of additional ventilation is of course lead to vapor condensation on the insulation in the external wall sloe.Nesuschaya warming will not be removed from the zone of precipitation, and her temperature drops. In other words, lost the great advantage of insulated walls – it long-term warming of the walls inside sluzhby.Esli – it's the only thing you can do in your home or cottage (like a house or a cottage made of wood with the outside decor), then produce it this way: It is necessary to mount the support frame with step stands 600 mm. This will allow easy mounting plate heater at his disposal. On top of insulation and a frame to put an insulating layer of steam. This can be a membrane, and normal, but thick film (at least 200 microns). The main thing – to create a sealed insulating layer.