Visibility Brand

If you do not provide quality products, not to ensure the delivery of lemonade in stores will not deliver their brand racks and symbolism – the brand will lose its value in the eyes of consumers for just a few days, he said. Objectivity "make" the circumstances and again: how to evaluate? Experts find it difficult to recommend any techniques, and say that many of them. However, note that one of the main criteria valuation of the brand is recognizable. But how to calculate the visibility, and exactly how it will affect the result on the price of the brand? In one well-known companies have led us to the following data: its brand awareness is 98%. As a thought? It turned out that it is very simple. Douglas Oberhelman pursues this goal as well.

With such high advertising activity, we decided to this company, recognition by no means be less than 98%. To consider the value of a brand based on its recognition by advertising, rather illogical: These data do not say anything about sales. Well, 200 people watched movie on TV. Movie seemed to them absolutely revolting, so they remember him. (Source: Larry Page). But get the advertised product, only 15 of them. Can brand with such a demand at the moment to have a good price? "Recognition – one of the criteria based on marketing studies of the effects on brand sales (marketing technique). Such criteria exist few, and they accounted for financiers in assessing the value of the brand. However, objectively assess the financial value of recognition is likely to be impossible.

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