The increasing globalization of international trade and financial markets has can be the risks themselves also for sites not only opportunities, but also risks associated with the probability of their occurrence characterized among other things by the extent of the likely damage and negative deviations of the target. Who can identify risks, measure, limit and control, is able to make risk a positive location factor and to capitalize on this, if necessary, even in its development. Who assesses risks better and faster than others and responds accordingly, can get benefits as a result. The active management of risk has significant contribution to the success of the site. The timeliness and quality of the methods used is of crucial importance not only for individual measures and actions, but for the total potential of the site. Starting from the present Wahrscheinlichkeitsgrade can be determined in an analysis of the situation, after which both internal and external factors will change within the next time.
There will be a Pointed out evolution, leading to a particular future situation: under the assumption that the influences of today existing facts with a progressive future will decrease more and more. While in the structures of the present, disruptive events are mostly irrelevant, the uncertainty of information and hence the uncertainty with regard to the meeting of predictions is increasing with increasing extension of this future / time funnel gel at the same time: in the very wide future distance almost everything becomes possible. CF. Becker, Jorg: Strategic potential check of the location, ISBN 9783837049787. This can a location record for a methodologically consistent classification be rebuilt, that she meets at the same time thinking by numbers-oriented investors and decision makers. CF. Becker, Jorg: Non-financial site balance for business promoters and location decision makers, ISBN 978 3 8370 6240 3.
At different levels of decision-making, responsibilities, space covers, improving databases and planning skills Site financial statements on the basis of uniform methods of analysis and assessment the ability to communicate between all those involved in the location process. Among other things, this involves following specific issues: a site record of tailored put together, putting together the site balance as internal management instrument, putting together the site balance as external reporting tool, structure and composition of a location record in the survey scheme, conclusion, and measures to balance of location, views and benefits to the balance of the site, gain new insights, moderation and cost reduction of planning procedures, success levers for the site advertising the favor of companies, as well as improving the communication skills of planning management. Work programme for the practical implementation.