Even novice users can navigate faster thanks to the intuitive operation of the cloud of data on Web pages. Products in online stores, documents which can be downloaded at authorities, newspaper articles or other information can be found directly with the data cloud. Who faster that is, what he’s looking for, as Internet users is greater than satisfied according to the likelihood that he will return to the site. How the data cloud built on a site can look, shows the Hulbee AG recently also on their own corporate website company.hulbee.com. At the time the data cloud is still in BETA status.
Who would like to try them out for his own website can download them here and register online. Who registers, also has the advantage, that he gets automatically interesting statistics generated about the searches that were launched through the data cloud on its Web site. Anyone can use the data cloud for one month free. Use is free of charge for private users, it then contains the data cloud sponsored links, which are marked accordingly. Also, there will be a standard version without advertising that once cost 30 euro, then the payment is similar to a prepaid card for the phone and it will be charged per click. There are also a business solution with extended options as well as individual enterprise solutions for companies in planning. About Hulbee AG the Hulbee AG is a publicly traded, European software company headquartered in Kreuzlingen/Switzerland.
Currently 59 employees can have up to 25 years long experience in the development of neural software. The Hulbee AG is successful for years with their information and knowledge analysis in the business such as in the end user-software market. “The Hulbee AG has developed the Hubble program for knowledge management in companies with the aim of the global Know-How Access”, so direct access to any knowledge existing in the company. With the Web application Hulbee Hulbee AG has made a new kind of Internet search market. Since December 11, 2008 Hulbee AG on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange listed.