Still the priest came in chains, as if to say the prayer thinking about other things (we humans), and he passeth fainted or something no one could enter and could remove the chains from the outside. Now if the Tetragrammaton is just an attribute, what is the name of God? And the next question would be … we can give a name to something which is indescribable? And if we give it a name that would be? Male or Female? God has no gender in Judaism. Even in the prayers to avoid sense understand God in masculine or feminine forms are inserted in the prayer and sometimes goes one way male and others female sense, to avoid going to give a genre to something NO has a defined gender. And even more, what if I say the name with a wrong accent, or using the form of language where I live, as with so many names: Jorge or George? John or John? Isaac or Isaac (Aisac when read in English) or Yitzhak when read in Hebrew? I’m violating the 2nd. Commandment if I say Jehovah or Yahweh or Yehovah? And if you have read so many ways that is correct? Yehova or Yeheve or Yahav? There is a right way to call God? It inexplicable may appoint a name? Remember that the name of something or someone gives a sense of what it is and I think in the end the answer to which is the name of God is given by God Himself, in the call to Moses at the burning bush in Exodus 3 : 13 Moses said to God: Behold, I come unto the children of Israel, and say: The God of your fathers has sent me to you. If they ask me, What is your name?, What would you answer? 14 And God said to Moses: EHEY-ASHER-EHEYE I AM THAT I AM. And said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me to you.
We may use EHEYE, Adonai, Elohim, El, Shaddai, or whatever the form in Hebrew, Spanish or the language you have. What really matters is that we use it and address our prayers to the Creator of the universe, for if we can not hear their words directly, I think we can be comforting to know that God always listens … no matter how you call.