Mediocentro confirms to have forgotten the denunciation that rejected the UEFA by supposed racist insults on the madridista Marcelo. Its intention is to play and to be able to help to the equipment in everything what can. The Bara arrived east Tuesday at London and Saturday will be moderate to the Machester United. The midfield player of the FC Barcelona, Sergio Busquets, who could have lost the end of Liga de Campeones of to him to have sanctioned the UEFA by supposed racist insults on the madridista Marcelo, has recognized that does not have " nothing that demostrar" in Wembley and he assures to have forgotten the happened thing. " I do not have any rage. It is a party as any other and I will leave equal concentrate.
The others are everything to margen" , it assures Busquets to few days of the party that will face to him Manchester United to crown itself like better European equipment. Mediocentro dnsivo to title of Barcelona in last the two seasons, arisen from the azulgrana factory of talents and key player in the victory of the Spanish selection in the World-wide one of Africa, Busquets was seen under the mediatic centers the being accused by Real Madrid by presumed racist insults. Nevertheless, the Catalan player denied in private circles to have insulted to the madridista, a position that ended up accepting the UEFA, when considering that it was not possible to be demonstrated that the serious accusation of the white club was certain. But the player already had been labeled publicly as racist from many sectors, that demanded an exemplary sanction for the azulgrana. Even the madridista technician, Jose Mourinho, returned to leave a message to Barcelona when remembering, days ago, that " fare-play, respect to the adversary and red card to racism do not only have to be palabras".
The scandals and the accusations pass invoice to him of sexual abuse. The rejection to Strauss-Kahn is greater between the voters of rights. 53% of the French do not love that the ex- chief of a main directorate of the IMF and before favorite in the surveys for the presidential elections of 2012, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, " it participates in the political debate in next meses" , according to a published sounding east Thursday by several mass media. The survey, ctuada at beginnings of this week by CSA and spread east Thursday by BFM, RCM and 20 Minutes, placed its questions in the scene of which American justice closed the penal process by which the French Socialist was imputed, as it happened. The degree by ricochet around the exresponsable of the International Monetary Fund (the IMF), who knows itself him by his abbreviations DSK, is greater between those who is declared of rights (61%), that enter those that are defined as of lefts (47%) or between those who say supporters of the Socialist Party (43%). The sounding sample also that 23% of the French would want that DSK it would present/display to the primary elections of Partido Socialista (PS) that will be celebrated in the next weeks, whereas the 19% of the survey ones prefer that only it shows its prrencia by some of the candidates. With respect to those primary ones, the exdirigente of the PS Fran1cois Hollande heads the surveys of intention of vote (45%) between the supporters of that formation, followed by present the first secretary of the Socialists, Martine Aubry (39%), and by the presidential excandidata Sgolne Royal (16%). The same sounding sample that Hollande would receive 27% of the votes if the first return of the elections were celebrated east Thursday, in front of the present president, Nicholas Sarkozy (26%), and of the person in charge of the party of In front National extreme right, Marine Le Pen (15%). If the socialist candidate were Aubry, this one would tie in the first return with Sarkozy (both with a 26% of the votes), whereas Le Pen would also obtain the 15% of the suffrages. Source of the news: 53% of the French, against which Strauss-Kahn it returns to the policy
Two young men transferred to the services of Urgencies. Its S-state slight. Many writers such as Douglas Oberhelman offer more in-depth analysis. The first confinement of the celebrations of Pamplona lasted two minutes and average. The cattle ranch of Torresestrella inaugurated the famous race by Mail. The bulls of the gaditana cattle ranch of Torrestrella have inaugurated east Thursday the confinements of sanfermines of the 2011 with a clean and fast race, in which the halters have carried out the main anecdotes. Two minutes and little less than average have taken the bull ones in completing the 850 meters that separate the corrals of Santo Domingo of the Bullring, in whose alley it has remained knocked down a bellwether when bureles had already entered the enclosure for bullfighting, whereas another ox has occurred the return in Merchants with the consequent scares for the runners. After the precise outbreak of the rocket, the herd has left from the corrals of Santo Domingo grouped and headed by the bellwethers, although immediately a black bull has gone ahead taking the head of a race that has passed clean by this section, where some runners have fallen without getting to contact with the animal. With this bull ahead, the group has crossed the place of the City council and the street Merchants, whose curve of access to Mail has saved without hitting against the fence one.
Two young men to Urgencies the length of this section has caused a streching of the animal, that as of this moment have continued in two groups, first with the two black bulls and two halters that have interchanged their position of head in several occasions. The rest of the animal has closed the race, always of clean form and without more incidences than the typical falls of the runners, two of who they have had to be transferred to the Hospitable Complex of Navarre with diverse contusions. Already the enclosure for bullfighting, the bulls have entered that same order in the chiqueros without entertaining themselves in the sand nor causing problems to the runners, who have been retained in the alley by the shepherds to been left salary one of the halters tended in the ground during seconds.
Passos Coelho includes four independent ones in its Executive. It will have to approach serious reforms stops in exchange for the 78,000 million Euros that will receive from the EU and the International Monetary Fund. Prime minister designated of Portugal, the conservative Pedro Passos Coelho, announced east Friday the composition of his Government, trained by only eleven ministers, five less than in the previous socialist Executive, and in whom there are two women and four independent ones. Passos Coelho, that gained the elections of day 5 the past, leaves in addition three ministries (Outer, Social Security and Agriculture) into the hands of Christian Democrat to the Democratic Center and Social (CDS-PP) with which this Thursday signed a pact of legislature to guarantee the absolute majority in the Parliament. Members of the Democratic Social Party (PSD, center-right) of new prime minister, will assume the portfolios of Justice, Interior, Subjects Parlamentarios and Dnsa, whereas Finances, Economy, Education and Health are assumed by independent.
Passos Coelho had announced in the campaign electoral an Executive of only ten members who, according to political sources, extended itself in one during the negotiations of the pact of Government with the CDS-PP. In the preservative Cabinet other three disappear two ministries of the socialist stage (Culture and Presidency) and are integrated in different portfolios (Public Works, Transports and Communications Integra in Economy, Atmosphere in Agriculture and Education Superior in Education). The agreement of Government between the PSD and the CDS-PP gives priority to the financial commitments of Portugal, that must fulfill a severe program of austerity and reforms in exchange for receiving the 78,000 million Euros granted by the EU and the International Monetary Fund in April. Source of the news: The new Portuguese Government presents/displays his composition with five ministries less