1. "The policy of zero tolerance." Its essence is the intolerance of the state and society to any drug. In the United States in the late 80's – early 90's. Such a doctrine is widespread. 2. "The policy of harm reduction," found wide application in the Netherlands. Its essence is to minimize the negative consequences of drug use on individuals and society. To deepen your understanding John Utendahl is the source. Deviation from the norm is only the use of "heavy" drugs.
/ Guseva, Psychological training / Russia has periodically raised the issue of legalizing drugs. While the state's position on this issue, as enshrined in the Federal Law "On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (1997), is closer to a policy of "zero tolerance". Although we can not overlook the fact that the results of opinion polls, a significant portion of the younger population of Russia to the issue of marijuana and other "light" drugs are tolerated. Summing up the results, we note that in Russia the social norms of substance use differs tolerant attitude toward alcohol and tobacco, including systematic, and relatively intolerant attitude to the use of illegal drugs (heavy). In the Netherlands there is an absolutely different policy. The flight from Moscow to Amsterdam takes 2 hours, but if you bear in mind attitude of governments of the two cities to drugs, it is – to move from one culture to another. Nazaraliyev "Deliver and forgive", Chapter 5, page 96 / Here, a different attitude toward hemp drugs. Proponents of legalization, Debates around the world, attracting the arguments of political, economic, financial, criminal, and others, finally save up irrefutable, they think the argument: the Dutch experience.