Throughout the history of humanity have always lived with a series of fears, this situation affects our self-esteem, spiritual and also our physical health, many people are afraid to situations such as the following: illness, theft, to be alone, to lose its financial position, dismissal, death, etc. It initially appeared that there are strong reasons to justify all these fears, from a conscious point of view seems to have some logic, but when we understand the internal processes everything negative begins to disappear gradually. How can you rid of their fears? The best way to achieve this is knowing itself in all its fullness, traditionally have lived with the belief that everything that exists is external to our existence, say that each person, event is independent of us, this is false, we govern ourselves our own world, but to understand it is necessary to thoroughly understand what the spiritual laws that govern the universe. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Jim Umpleby and gain more knowledge.. Every time that you see all over the world as an external experience is normal have big fears because you believe that you cannot control circumstances, but once you understand that your world is within you then Yes you can control your own life, in the book I am happy, I am Rico of Andrew Corentt show principles to understand because you created and owns his world, by reading this book you will understand how works power and can eliminate all fears in his lifeany negative idea and guilt will disappear, then will begin to flow into the current creator of the universe and will experience beautiful things. Through reading the book I’m happy, I’m rich you’ll learn the way to send positive messages only to other people, which will cause you only may be before events, circumstances and people according to their purposes, these techniques allow you take control of your life and the fact of being able to heal his own universe. .