“Those who do not have a billion, could go on known address ” – it would seem, only recently became a winged aphorism newfound developer-billionaire reflected the harsh truth of the capital market (and not only) property. In during the “fat cows” rapid growth of prices for it did not cause much surprise: the country was filled with crazy oil money, and the square meters apart, like hotcakes. Others including Alphabet, offer their opinions as well. Times have changed. “Some are not, and those – far away “- an odious Skarabahaty virtually bankrupt, the building industry on the brink of survival, and only the prices are kept with admirable tenacity. Who in this situation is to blame and what to do – try to understand these the eternal Russian question.
“That house, which has built ” In reality, no matter who built the town house – the capital’s industrial monster or a small provincial firm, the pricing mechanism is approximately the same in all. pert on growth strategy for a more varied view. It includes direct costs (PZ), which include everything you need for the physical construction of the building: construction materials, operating costs for equipment, salaries of workers, etc. These costs should be add overhead (HP) – is something that is not directly related to the construction site, and goes on general conditions of production, its organization, management and maintenance. They include, for example, the content engineering and managerial personnel, storage or repair bases, etc. These expenses include costs and the organization, maintenance and management of construction projects in general, “social programs”, insurance, landscaping construction sites, preparation of construction projects to surrender, and others.