Neopentecostais Churches

The neo-pentecostais churches had created a form of Evangelho that seems to be true, but enough are modified to be pleasant for that they do not want to follow the narrow way of the true Christianity. These churches make a false presentation of the Evangelho. They are creative of new features, if they base on rituals of: said delivery of salt or objects consecrated, to step on on the salt carpet, to pass for the grotto, for the door, delivery of roses, handkerchiefs, cross, vestibules of the happiness, water of the river Jordo, sacred mantle, sabonete I unload of it, fogueira saint of Israel, consults the former-mother of saint, unction of the millionaire (oil consecrated for seven millionaire), bath of it I unload and others as much. These rituals are identified as being of macumba, candombl, etc. Practical as the positive, magnificent confession, dispute incited for faithful, animosity between the churches and its members, auction of blessings.

These things do not have to be in the church of Christ. The churches, neo-pentecostais have as base of its teachings it searchs for the corporeal properties, financial and the welfare of the life, instead of teaching the indifference to the corporeal properties, renouncing its life (to refuse it exactly itself), to live Jesus and to make the will of God as our Master Jesus taught in them. God is who has to direct our life, and placing in them in the financial position that It to judge that we will be fidiciary offices It, that we will not be corrupted by the wealth and the comfort of this life. The fact of a person to search and if only to worry but in having of you reward them to God of the treasures of the land on the contrary of the treasures of the sky, already it is enough sample that its heart already is corrupted by Mamom.

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