With Erdogan in Turkey, with Ahmadinejad in Iran, with Algeria reeling by the attacks of the jihadists; with the spread of the pseudo wave democratic human rights in countries where the political divergence were ever tolerated nor never anyone’s rights were respected. The Maghreb and Middle East are falling under the domination of religious murderers. When, in the coming months, let’s see what happened instead of democracy is that fans will be ruling, any war will have to start and what better to start against Israel. The progressive press Zionist anti Muslims and neocomunistas Governments also supports, particularly Latin Americans. The UN is a garbage dump.
Obama is the weakest of the history Chairman. a> is the source. What better opportunity to pounce against the Empire? BO doesn’t want to even hear a comment against islam, which is a religion of peace and love for him. The only ones who begin to awaken the Islamic nightmare are the Europeans, who are more than tired of the excesses of its millions of immigrants spread. How will be the next war? Just like the economy and telecommunications, it will be global. Discriminatory measures obliging Muslims put on ships and planes returning them to their countries of origin must be taken in Europe. We will remind to Nazism? No doubt that Yes.
The big difference is that the Jews never tried to impose their religion, modes or customs on anyone. They were always peaceful victims of hatred and irrational jealousy. In the Middle East, Israel will have to defend themselves with all their power. You must return to the Sinai; feel absolute sovereignty over Judea and Samaria; dispatch Palestinians to Amman; finish with Hezbollah protecting Christians in the Lebanon Government to take. You will need to destroy Hamas in Gaza and the West Bank. It must attack Iran if Ahmadinejad gets in the dance, which is more than sure that it will do so, and probably there will be clashes with Turkey. Does Israel do all that alone? No, It needs the support of the United States and Europe, which will enter into the battle for its own survival. There is no doubt that West will triumph. Muslim fanatics, like all fans, are unable to see the reality and do not perceive even remotely the dimension of the strength of the free world military. In North America there will be violent Muslim pro movements led by islam and the ultra left will be laminated. In Latin America, it will happen the same, with the difference that neocomunistas Governments will not do anything to counteract them. The politically correct war, imposed by the progressive media about the armies of Judeo-Christian, so that they act as if they were fighting against innocent creatures who have to try to do no unnecessary harm, will end, passing to the annals of the history of human stupidity. The future is death. original author and source of the article.