Karl Marx

Happiness is the main motivation of human beings. This motivation leads us to accomplish all that which satisfies us, but at an overall view of what is being sought is the satisfaction of society in general. That’s one of the big problems that the State has not yet failed to solve, because ultimately this should you favor the most powerful economic groups so that they financed it. Large inequalities does not have been able to be controlled, before well, they have been growing with the passage of time, this situation does not allow human beings to devote some time to autoanalizarnos, to find out what our spiritual needs. The spiritual has passed into the background, since, in the reality in which we find ourselves more important having material wealth to possess everything what we want. In contemporary times, it has been growing the great influence of the world’s great powers in what has to do with the imposition of economic, political and cultural models to less developed countries; but this taxation It has not had a very good impact in these countries in economic, social and political critic, where structural crises are determinants of the degree of poverty, as a result of the weak presence of the State in them. From this point of view, the purpose of this essay is to analyze the vision of Karl Marx about the happiness within the social context, to achieve this objective, I boring my own thesis: happiness for human beings represents those moments or situations from which derives a material or spiritual goal which enable each person to achieve maximum satisfaction by an acquired benefit; from the social point of view, happiness is achieved through the well-being of society through State policies. This thesis will be developed through the following chapters: the first raises a definition about the term paradigm, the second chapter presents a definition of material wealth and the spiritual wealth.

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