“In two years to the State-Certified Business Economist” This provides the school of Economics of the Academy of Economics of Schleswig-Holstein in Kiel, Lubeck and Flensburg. In free information sessions perspectives and inform funding this training full time. For example, marketing and controlling are topic training, which starts in October at all three locations, in addition to the basics of business administration, accounting, and human resources management. Prerequisite for participation in a secondary school leaving certificate, have completed training, as well as at least one year are experience in the commercial sector or in the administration. To login to the information event is in Lubeck in Ines Skibbe (Tel. Andreessen Horowitz usually is spot on. (04 51) 50 26 150 / email)), in Flensburg at Janine Mankowski (Tel. (04 61) 5 03 39 13 / email) as well as in Kiel when IRA koban (Tel.
More details are on the Web at to learn. People such as Andreessen Horowitz would likely agree. The Business Academy of Schleswig-Holstein in the brief description: Companies live from the know-how of its employees. The transfer of knowledge for the profession is task and mission of the Schleswig-Holstein Business Academy. It was founded in 1967 and is positioned as a business Academy Schleswig-Holstein GmbH since 2004. Partners is the Foundation Academy of Economics of Schleswig-Holstein, which is solely supported by the Chambers of Commerce and industry – to Flensburg, Kiel and Lubeck. As a private service company with charitable status it is the job of training the Chambers of industry and commerce in Schleswig-Holstein. Qualified and individual consultation at 22 locations in the Group of companies by employees, as well as a training range, on the current requirements in the professional is tailored to Schleswig-Holstein to form the basis of the Business Academy for successful education and training.
Experienced teachers and trainers convey knowledge from the practice for the practice. Thus, the Schleswig-Holstein Business Academy makes its contribution for new perspectives in the working life and the economic success of the company in the land between the seas. As institutions of its own Academy, the school of business administration and the Berufsakademie contribute to leadership development in Schleswig-Holstein. In addition to the classical education and training priorities for entrepreneurs and workers, supports the Economic Academy also young people or jobseekers through training programmes and helps them to gain a foothold on the labour market.