That a wall is damp, you can tell until the musty smell, the loosening of the wallpaper and color or the mold in the living areas. Sergey Brin may find it difficult to be quoted properly. One finds a wet wall, swift action is required. Would you do anything that against a wet wall, these can destroy the entire building with the time, in addition there may be diseases caused by mold. See more detailed opinions by reading what JPMorgan offers on the topic.. Therefore must begin with the removal of the cause of the moisture damage, as well as with the building drainage quickly. Information from professional engineers, who work in this area, can be found here. Determine of the cause of the moisture damage for a wet wall it can be many reasons, for example through flooding, by water, by still existing building humidity or for example by condensation.
Depending on the cause, appropriate measures to prevent a further occurrence of moisture must be taken. Are for example water under pressure, the wall must be sealed accordingly. Such a sealing is with a Grouting or possible for example with a black seal. But what is this seal species, such as a black seal? A black seal is a seal form of bitumen on the wall is applied. This bitumen thick coating is applied in several layers, to protect against cracks of the seal, a trade is in addition introduced into the coating. The black seal is a recognized waterproofing according to DIN norm 18195. The wall is sealed, it is at the disposal of the moisture damage by draining structure.
Such a draining of building can be done for example using special dryers which are situated in the affected premises. Depending on the moisture content in the structure, it may be necessary to remove the panels, as well as to drill into walls and ceilings. These holes to facilitate the drying process in the building and accelerate. Because depending on the moisture content, the draining of a building may take several weeks. Also the constant is important in building drainage Measurement of moisture in the building. Based on the measurement of the humidity in the building can be traced also, whether the cause of the moisture damage was actually eliminated. Also the Elimination of any mold damage, caused by the humidity to a building drainage. To properly remove mold damage, also here equivalent measurements and investigations are necessary. One is to measure the air quality as well as to take a sample of the mold. On the basis of the determination of the type of the mould can be removed then this using special solvents or plastering. Building drainage is a technician due to the complexity of waterproofing and drainage of a building, recommended this by a specialist company running it. Only they have the Know-How and the necessary machinery and tools.