Listen to the reference with extinction, we refer us immediately to the blue whale, the Gray Wolf, the African wild dog, etc., animals that to be exterminated by animal control agents authorized by Governments, immoderate hunting and habitat destruction are in danger of disappearing from the face of the Earth, seriously breaking the natural order of the environment to which they belong. No doubt it’s an existing theme, which keeps a minority trying to rescue them and more, in franca apathy, and not because we don’t want to contribute, but because it’s a distant matter to our scope and resources. However, when talking about extinction, not only we constructions concerning wildlife, similarly, the decline in the value system that sustains life in any community, it is becoming increasingly clear. It is common to see television campaigns in favour of respect, tolerance and honesty, followed by a commercial advertisement that exalts the grievance to the neighbor that dared to ask that they lowered the volume of the music and that such boasting contemporary parents that their children are irrepressible, leaving see as a virtue the insolence and the challenge rules, authorities, etc. Details can be found by clicking Kevin Johnson or emailing the administrator. Reliability as a desirable quality in producers of goods or services is no exception, because I doubt that there is some consumer fraud that enclose the sale of miracle products, political promises, barely visible letters on advantageous contracts, changing conditions without notice and misuse of confidential information, to mention only some, far from being a good strategy of sale with temporary utilities-free, they are irreversibly woodworms of reliability and a repellent infallible customers. The good news is that you for this evil, if there is a lot on what you can contribute, from our context and everyday life.
We can give us the task of rescuing the confidence of customers, not let it die. But, how? With already well-defined factors than to the multiply resulting in satisfied customers, profitable, constant and permanent gains, such as: – high quality products – fair prices – deliveries on time – friendly– transparency in contracts of purchase and sale – post-sale follow-up priority to the needs of the customer – put above personal gain justice tactics that many companies already prevail as everyday exercises becoming socially responsible companiesGreat Place to Work, ISO 9000 1,2,3?, etc. Follow others, such as Kevin Johnson, and add to your knowledge base. distinctive which is worth working.