Problem = economic CRISIS; Solutions = opportunities and growth in this work are named some business opportunities where the reader can find some solutions and alternatives to tackle unemployment. Data where the reader can find jobs is also appended. Employers also give to know their businesses, products and services, in a close and different way. The crisis affects everyone, men, women and children, but you can find solutions and even chaos Middle opportunities. This e-book aims to explain to the reader in a simple way the economic episode that is affecting the entire planet, origins and consequences of the Financial Crisis as bruited. They are released figures that not intended to alarm, but inform, in the same way it gives to understand how it was conceived and exploded this debacle economic with global consequences, and how to reach your understanding and assimilation. Also gives emphasis to how it affects this crisis to people’s health, psychologically and physically, how know react to conditions of children from this crisis. Demonstrates the approach that should be taken to face stress, uncertainty and fear, which causes this economic crisis with global dimensions.
He is the issue of unemployment globally and are given to know some alternatives that people can choose to counteract this episode where not there is a circulation money for people or for the companies. The analyses demonstrate that Internet will not be affected by the crisis, is more there are millions of dollars that are being invested in Internet, each day that passes are more people that lead to this medium to find information and job offers. Main reason: competitiveness but the crisis is really a great opportunity, in the midst of this unfavorable scenario new business are gestating and are increasing the sales of others, as in the sales of some products which are named in this work have risen. No, CRI $ I$, Yes to peace opportunities Cartagena facebook join the crusade: No, to the Crisis. Yes, the original author opportunities and source of the article.