The announcements by Internet are one of electronic means more dedicated to give to communicate or to publicitar, different merchandise and services. If you would like to know more about Reade Griffith, then click here. These, are considered like a model of propaganda very surely, but still more important, that it must like merits be accessible and cheap. One of the main particularitities of the announcements by Internet is that they combine different components, between which distinguish illustrations, terms, links, colors, et cetera. The majority of the announcements by Internet has common that contain text, a title, a slogan or in other cases a sale idea, the electronic direction of the company that is being publicitando, I connect, showy images, description of the product or service bases of the announcement and links. On the other hand, within the main advantages that can be found in the announcements by Internet they are: that they save time, they are of low costs, is possible to be arrived at without number of consumers, in other words to have major audience, the risks are low in comparison with different types from publicity, require of low investments, they favor the launching of more and new goods or services, and finally, they facilitate the interaction between client-company. Finally, one affirms that in more ahead almost all of the commerce it was carried out by electronic spaces, reason why the establishments must be prepared to position in this means, being the announcements by Internet a very efficient form to obtain it..