Ecuador In The Final Of The

Galapagos and the Amazon, two of the four worlds ‘ Ecuador, are nominated 28 finalists have been selected by a jury of experts for the seven wonders of nature. This especially the unique beauty and ecological importance of the nominated sites, we evaluated in addition to other criteria. Among the finalists are two of the four worlds”Ecuador: Galapagos and the Amazon rainforest. These nominations will make me very happy and proud to be an Ecuadorian. You acknowledge the efforts and Ecuador’s efforts to develop the tourist destinations in responsible way”, as the Veronica Sion de Josse Minister of tourism. Ecuador has undertaken numerous steps to protect its rich natural heritage.

In addition to the UNESCO World Heritage sites, Galapagos and Sangay National Park is Ecuador famous for its fascinating landscapes, its unique biodiversity and its ground-breaking environmental policy. As Ecuador currently worked out a sustainable development plan the PLANDETUR 2020 the future quality, innovation and connectivity will make the key points of tourism in Ecuador. Currently, the competition is in its third and final phase, in the approximately one billion participants will select the winner. In the current ranking, Galapagos is ranked and can be matched with the Amazon ranked 3rd under / or on the official site of the new seven wonders of nature. More information on, see and. For more information contact: Ecuadorian National Tourist Board c/o AVIAREPS Tourism Ltd. Sun str. 9 D-80331 Munich Tel. 0049 / 89 / 23 66 21 29 (for end consumer) email: online:

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