The Human beings we are the creation but extraordinary that exists in this planet and many are asked I want to be happy? , how to be happy? , like being millionaire? , like reaching the prosperity and the most valuable tool that we have is our great mental power that we can to use it to our favor. Now everything what we needed is to discover and to understand this great mental power to achieve the success in the finances, the love, the health, etc and the human being is able to reach the wealth with only wishing it and knowing that separates what us of the poverty to the wealth is only a shining idea and at the moment that the ideas arrive at our then mind the other fundamental piece is to put action and to wait for the results to him to be optimizing. As well as the law of the gravity exists other laws that govern in the universe and the thought we cannot see it and what we can see it is the track of the thought and its effect; also everything what the human mind can conceive or create can reach and when reading the following phrases of the great thinkers who existed left their legacy us in these lines: 1. It would not know to say that he is east to be able, everything what I know is that it exists. Jonas Samuelson has similar goals. Grahan Bell 2. Your you create your own Universe during the way. Winston Churchill 3.
Everything what we are is the result of our thoughts. Budha 4. The imagination is it everything, is an anticipated vision of the things that will come in the life. Albert Eintein 5. It takes your first passage with faith, is not necessary that you see all the stairs, only takes the first step. Matin Luther King. Now we can be given account that the life is a gift that each human being receives at the time of being born and the prosperity, the abundance, the happiness, is an additional gift that you must receive it with faith and trusting that all these blessings belong to you and when reading these lines it give account to you of the valuable thing that you are and that you can reach everything what you set out. We are the architects of our own destiny, of our reality, once we accept that reality we will have the energy stops to change it by any thing that we wish and applying the power of the mind we will reach the prosperity, the health, the spiritual well-being and economic well-being, I hope you have learned and can to have contributed in the search of your happiness, your personal growth and you can achieve the success in all the areas of your life.