All we looked for to balance the balance of our income and debits, definitively the word crisis, but that to get depressed to us; it must invite to look for better conditions to us of life, sounds well, no? , the truth is that we must work hard, to secure our dreams, by but great that are these, is why exist different forms to be able to generate income extra, either Making money in Internet or with some business that we are gliding. It is important to know that for all beginning of any business, it is the turn that was; before to know with whichever budget we counted, if he is profitable or no, etc; we must question we ourself, WHO, WHERE, LIKE and WHICH DELAYS OF HIM, before beginning drag the pencil and to make accounts. If we want that our business works and lasts with time, we must have the strategy and necessary vision so that this happens. THAT; this is one of it important questions but, since it depends much than we want to do; that is to say; the knowledge of the matter or the business in which we want to penetrate, we must be totally convinced that that one is going away to put; it would work, mainly by the knowledge that is had, the experience in these cases is fundamental. WHERE; once we know that one goes away to to cook we have to do the strategies with which we are going to begin since they are important base so that the business works and lasts, within which, but recommended: To locate the zone where it is desired to start the business, not necessarily must be the zone where it is lived. To make a brief area reconnaissance where it is wanted to place. (competition, zone journeyed by clerks, schools, etc) Of preference, to make a survey in the zone, to know its opinion with respect to the turn the business LIKE; to analyze the costs of the service that is going away to offer (coffee-Internet; bookstores, etc.) everything depends on the country where cheers, it can be that cheers in a big city, or a countryside or a small town, but the important thing of this is to put an important dose of imagination, creativity and persistence to him.