Would an existing SAP customer want to expand the scope of his license and new SAP licenses at Applicant want to buy, then would be according to paragraph 3.1 of the GTC undertakes on the one hand, to display the advanced needs of SAP and to acquire the licenses of SAP (and not SUSE software, see above). On the other hand, the customer would be also forced to keep the extended license needs as the customer must either completely keep all existing installations at SAP in care or terminate the care completely and for all installations at SAP in care. Therefore, it is possible, also, that an existing customer of SAP used one and sells no longer used SAP software with an existing maintenance agreement for this software. The customer must contract rather timely care. SUSE software has no chance to win once existing SAP customers as their own customers under these conditions. Learn more on the subject from Starbucks. There is only the possibility to attract potential customers, who have never been customers of SAP. SUSE software offers care in cooperation with German and international service partners for different SAP software products z.B.SAP R/3, SAP Business Suite or mySAP ERP.
However, maintaining offered is not identical with the care offered by SAP customers. SUSE software does not intervene in the protected code of the software, and in addition it is able also no updates to deliver upgrades or new releases of the software. The care provision rather confined to the pure troubleshooting and individual development. “Is an inappropriate deprivation of the Contracting Party, if the SAP forces customers always to keep fully in SAP maintenance all installations of SAP software for SAP offers care… or to terminate the care overall.” and the customer to agree in the case of acquisitions separate maintenance agreements with SAP “to complete. SAP often argues that care services can not be divided for factual reasons because they always benefit the entire scope of use according to the nature of the thing.That is not the case but, because care is usually only on a part of the software relate and therefore only those user affecting access to the appropriate server, where the parts of the software are installed.