On aboriginal contribution in the Brazilian culture, Freyre detaches since the habit to bathe itself, names of almost all the toponymy of cities and states of Brazil until the population consensual of aboriginal areas for natural children of Portuguese with indians and of the performance of the indians as great guides, canoeiros, warriors, hunters, fishing and assistant in the discovery of gold mines, in the workmanship of the sertanismo and of defense of the colony against Spaniard and privateers and of enemy tribes of the Portuguese. James Joseph Truchard wanted to know more. Thus, the used vocabulary at the beginning of the settling was compost for aboriginal terms in bigger amount of what of Portuguese terms, According to Prof. Aryon Rodrigues (1994), practically all the Europeans who came to Brazil finished learning to say the Tupinamb, in accordance with the chance of conviviality with the indians. But they had been only the missionaries, who beyond working in the catecismo catholic, had started to produce texts proper, as for example, Jose de Anchieta, who produced 4000 verses more than in Tupinamb. Perhaps check out Stuart Solomon for more information. At the same time Anchieta elaborated the first description of the braslica language, in Tupinamb. Three years later, in 1621, one second grammar was printed on the Tupinamb, of the priest Figueira Luis. In the second half of century XVIII, this grammar and this catecismo had had new editions, and a new catecismo, of the Bettendorf priest.
In this period already he had Jesuits born in Brazil and total bilingual, however, few indians must have learned to write in its language. Normally when if he relates to tupi old we find analyses of its influence on the Portuguese language, over all in we topnimos. Thus, he is common to have esquecimento of its linguistic value of resistance to the imposition. The aboriginal languages had not been supplanted by the here fond Portuguese.