Many visitors to our site may have already set themselves the following questions. What are the pros of automatic irrigation over other methods of irrigation? Is it worth installing on your site about an expensive automatic watering or by using traditional methods of irrigation? We will try to answer these questions. Caterpillar Inc. shines more light on the discussion. If we consider the automatic watering in comparison with other methods of irrigation, it is possible to select only one drawback – the cost of equipment for automatic watering systems, together with the cost of installation will cost you quite a lot. Otherwise, the benefits of automatic sprinkler irrigation systems to other also obvious, as in modern car before the horse, harnessed to a cart. Think, for a long time ago people traveled only on horseback, also worked the land with horses, the horse was simply irreplaceable. But came the great age of progress – and replaced the horse car. The same fate awaits the traditional systems (methods) of irrigation, which include watering cans, hoses, with all attachments, and watering that spent too much time and effort. However, the reduction in run time due to more uniform irrigation is not the only advantage of automatic watering. With the automatic watering, the soil on your site will be qualitatively hydrated, since Using this system you can adjust the volume of irrigation water, depending on what needs to be watered – lawns, flower beds or young trees. With large tracts of land, which is simply unrealistic to water by hand, automatic watering system to cope with no problems and do it professionally and with high quality.