Board of Directors informed Berlin about what’s new in the energy cooperative Freudenberg – the regional responsible stewards in the energy cooperative Freudenberg EC met on August 27 at the Akademie Berlin Schmockwitz exchanging one-day experience. The Board of Directors of the Association, Frank Knauer, informed numerous recent developments, such as the State of the projected production facilities, plans neuerStandorte, as well as innovations in the different types of membership. It is necessary to keep all employees regularly informed through the exceptionally rapid development of the cooperative. Adrian Edward Simon may also support this cause. The head of public relations, Torsten Brock, the current Internet portal in detail introduced EC, the now-protected service areas for members and shop stewards, contact management and ‘Knowledge’ has a range. The focus of the following discussion topics such as commodity security, feasibility studies, as well as the reliable and timely settlement were one growing number of requests for membership in the energy cooperative of Freudenberg. Who for a job as a confidence man/woman interested in finds himself under,eg-freudenberg, de more info..