* Gallica roses Gallica (French Roses): A very old breed of rose that somehow dates from the 12th century. Given their ancestry very ancient cannot be assured that specimens that we today call Gallicas are, indeed descendants of these ancient species. They produce flowers in bright colors usually gathered in clusters of 3 or more during the summer months. Very fragrant. * Hybrid perpetual: Thousand varieties of Perpetuos hybrids planted in the latter part of the Decade of 1800 only about 100 survive today. They are fully double flowers usually solitary or in groups of 3 in summer-autumn. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Andreessen Horowitz. * Mossy mossy Rosales: This rose is the result of a hybrid created with the Rosa Centifolia. The leaves are dark green in general.
In summer they produce double flowers fully double. Once they bloom fragrant roses produce a type of sticky Moss growth on their stems of flowers and buds. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Jonas Samuelson. * Noisettianos Rosal Noisettiano: these roses are cold, tender and they are suitable for warmer climates. They are climbers remontantes rosales (reflorecientes) carrying large bunches of flowers in summer/autumn, with an aroma slightly spicy. * Patio Patio roses type: produce bouquets in general composed of 3-11 simple flowers to double, which bloom in summer-autumn. * Portland roses type Portland: derived from a hybrid between an autumn damask and the rosagallica, known since 1792.
Shrubs of vertical development, dense, compact, but less vigorous and more reflorecientes than the Borbonianos (Bourbon) from which they come. * Sempervirens roses type Sempervirens: semi-evergreen climbing Rosales, carriers of numerous very recurrent flowers in the summer, especially at the end of the summer. The flowers are semi-double to fully double. * Tea, rose tea, Rosa de Te type: A group of Roses which were very much in fashion around the Mediterranean coasts of France and Italy during the second half of 1800. they are flowers solitary or in groups of 3; semi-double or double soft light spicy perfume. Flowers in summer-autumn. Original author and source of the article