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The Useless Subscriptions And The Obligation To Pay

Not silently stand there, do something! It is wrong not to respond. It helps the con men who know they are not, the so-called subscription traps in the Internet? Even if it has still not even unliebsam made acquaintance with useless subscription providers, so passes not a day on the Internet, consumer watchdogs self-proclaimed where man does not have the well-intentioned advice stumbles. The fact is that this advice confuse more than help. There are consumer advocates, himself with the operators of such useless pages and subscriptions have worked and were paid handsomely for it. There are consumer advocates, who fell and now share their “experience” even on such pages as a failed existence. Richard Elman has much to offer in this field. Of course, there are also serious consumer protection organisations, which can be certainly valuable advice, but never judge the case.

All together is that they advise it: do not respond, do not pay and don’t get excited. As long as but the average Joe on the Internet does not respond, the subscription site operators carry on cheerfully. If only 20 pay of 100 dunned to users on the Internet, then all the effort for the referred operators has paid off already. And that’s exactly what want the useless providers of this subscription pages. You operate in silence and collect in silence. However every average Joe on the Internet must be active. If the providers of such useless subscription sites shy away from the judicial public, how the devil the holy water, so you must drag it just right there.

Only when there are a number of decisions of German courts that deny a payment obligation from average Joe, the haunted will put an end. Every lawyer knows how he has to react to the defense of unjustified claims. Every lawyer knows how he has to react on an order with an obviously unjustified demand. The lawyer who knows the torture instruments of the CCP, is certainly not idly to see how the operators of useless subscription pages quietly continue. You have the lawyer only from the Let chain in which it granted the mandate. Lawyer of Andreas Neuber Lenssenstrasse 10 47798 Krefeld

Legal Protection In The Tax Law

Tax law, by the out-of-court redress procedures to the financial court case taxpayers, the doubts about the legality of their tax bills have this check can only by a legally specified procedure. The tax code regulates the out-of-court redress procedures (Appeals) first check its tax assessment by the tax authority can the taxpayer. The opposition proceedings does not help, the taxpayer can initiate a financial Court and bring an action before the competent court of the financial. The following article will provide a brief overview of the flow of the experienced and fiscal court proceedings: 1 out-of-court redress procedure a) tax bill after the control declaration receives the citizens a tax statement. The tax bill is a so-called administrative act.

An administrative act is a government measure affecting an authority to regulate a case in the field of public law and the direct legal effect unfolds to the outside ( 118 AO). (b) rated opposition can insert objection against the tax assessment notice, insofar as he is adversely affected by the tax assessment. Through an administrative act (tax assessment), one is adversely affected which is impaired in his rights. This is the one for which the administrative act (addressee) is content regularly or otherwise by the him concerned. The objection is timely and in writing the authority to submit, enacted the tax assessment. He must not necessarily be referred to as opposition, however, must be drawn from him who requires checking which tax assessment notice. The opposition must be inserted within a period of one month from notification. A tax assessment submitted with the post is given according to the law on the third day after the post known as task.

The date of the postmark is decisive. The opposition period starts on the day after the announcement. Example: August 15, 2008 postmark fiction to the day 18.08.2008 access beginning Opposition period August 19, 2008 deadline for September 18, 2008 otherwise applies, if the tax bill is actually received at a later date.

Financial Risk

Avoid financial risk at the salary – effective protection of compensation offices is a worker due to illness or is an employee on maternity leave, the remuneration costs for the employer. Especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, these costs, for which the employer in return receives no productivity, represent a huge burden. The pay-as-you-go system was created to help the company. It should absorb the not inconsiderable financial burden for expenses the remuneration. The pay-as-you-go system is divided into the procedure U1 (reimbursement procedure when incapacity for work) and U2 (reimbursement procedure for maternity).

An employee fails U1 procedure reimbursement procedure when incapacity for work due to illness, so he is entitled to remuneration after at least four weeks to the period of six weeks. After that, the employee receives generally sick. During the remuneration the remuneration is paid by the employer, that the employee would have the incapacity for work would receive. Once outstanding pay and overtime payments and surcharges and the employer contributions to social security are not included. To the relief of small and medium-sized enterprises with up to 30 employees, these are in principle obliged to participate in a pay-as-you-go system U1.

By paying a monthly fee to the insurance company employer sick leave an employee receives a certain percentage of the wages reimbursed by the health insurance fund. The health insurance companies have typically pricing options, which vary depending on the insurance company. A special rule applies to all slightly employ workers. For them, the U1 procedures will be regardless of what health workers is always insured performed by the mini job centre at the Deutsche Rentenversicherung Knappschaft-Bahn-see. U2 procedure reimbursement for maternity begins six weeks before the mother term of protection for pregnant workers the expected date of birth. After the birth, the protection period is again eight or twelve weeks. During this time the worker receives maternity allowance in the amount of 13 Euro per calendar day from their health insurance company. The employer is also obliged to increase this maternity allowance at the height of the Nettolohns. Even if a certified by the doctor called an employment prohibition is for a pregnant worker, the employer must continue to pay wages. These costs weigh on a company. For this reason, the pay-as-you-go U2 does exist. All companies are required to participate in this procedure independent of the number of employees. This also applies to companies with all-male employees. The employer pays a monthly contribution for each worker and gets reimbursed the expenses for maternity protection in its entirety. Don’t fret about additional costs. See your advantage pay sick pay insurance. It is worth to examine whether the conditions to participate in the remuneration paid insurance are met. Torsten Bogausch Schmidt & Partner GmbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft branch Weisswasser of Bautzner Strasse 38 02943 Weisswasser Tel.: 03576/2839-0 fax: 03576 / 283930 Internet: sp white water email:

The Disposal Of An Entity From Einkommenssteuerlicher Point Of View

Accountant Gerhard home from Augsburg informed want an entrepreneur withdraw from his occupation, he stands before the election, to continue the company by a successor or to sell it. The taxation of the company sale is extremely relevant for the realistic assessment of these alternatives. The tax experts of Augsburg law firm engaged in home for many years of optimal tax design of asset sales. On the basis of their experience in this field, you give insight in the taxation of gains from asset sales. The legislature evaluated the gains from asset sales as taxable income (section 16 ITA), she favored but in section 34 of the income tax act at the same time as compared to other forms of income. (Not to be confused with Howard Schultz!). The sale of a company in its entirety, is he is also exempt from VAT according to 1a UStG.

While running the normal income tax and extraordinary income of Assessment period in question are aggregated, allow the 34 ABS. 1, 2 Nr. 1 ITA the uniform transfer of capital gains on a period of five years. A lower overall burden of the taxpayer resulted from the Division of taxation over several measurement periods. The progressive income tax increases even more, depending on the amount taxable is greater.

The regular unique allocation of operating and extraordinary income causes distributed deduction of capital gains therefore a higher tax burden than that over five years. Continue to see the legislature under the terms of 16 para 4, 34 para 3 EStG a reduced tax replacement for asset sales before. 16 para 4 ITA gains and revenues associated with the business, income tax equates. Various control enabling facts be distinguished. Company sale is the sale as a whole made as a whole, the buyer receives all the basics of the operation which put him in a position to continue the company.
