Articles from: 2020

Bamberger Zeitung

It will also enclose, in way excites, other scholars as, for example, Kant, Rousseau and Carl Marx. It will emphasize the regeliano method and its faithful aspect to the romantic historicismo of century XIX. Word-keys: Reason, method, freedom and spirit. Introduction Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, son of a small employee of finances, was born in Estugarda in 27 of August of 1770 and faleceu in Berlin in 14 of November of 1831. To deepen your understanding Crimson Education is the source.

Between 1778 and 1793, it frequented the theological seminary of the University of Tubinga, having itself then made familiar to the workmanships of Rousseau and Kant; in special the workmanships of Kant they had caused deep impression to it. After having been tutorial of Bern and in Francofome, Hegel was professor in the University of Jena between 1801 and 1806. With the victory of Napoleo and the temporary dispersion of the university, Hegel was for Bavria where it edited the Bamberger Zeitung (1807-1808), having after that been director of the school of Latin of Nuremberga. Hegel had influence in the development of the thought of the century XIX, as much in what it says respect to the philosophy as the social theory and politics. Son of protestant father and in the way of the iluminista reason, Hegel strong was influenced by its historical context. In 1811 he was married Marie von Tucher, new than it 22 years, in Nuberg with who he had two children, Karl, whom if an eminent historian became, and Immanuel, theologian. Five years after its marriage, Hegel occupied a chair in Heidelberga. Hegel, succeeded the Fichte as professor of philosophy in Berlin in 1818, rank that occupied until the o end of the life..

Black River

It has accurate four years in Are Jose of the Black River, city in which I was born and liveed for much time, the scene politician if was not identical was very similar with the current one, although more than the two hundred kilometers of distance that separate to the cities the proposals politics were analogous. Candidates enrich its pasts with worthy facts, rare virtues and all these qualities that wait of one politician. The bad things, some shunting line of behavior until those errors that any simple mortal can commit are excluded from its pasts. At the time of elections I always admire. Ours! With he has good people in the world, I nor I perceived. In the last days the memory came me it an article of a journalist of the same country who considered a candidacy, at least, different. The presumption candidate alone said the truth, it did not make promises and it did not mold the past to be confused with a perfect being. After all, we must wait of one politician honesty and envolvement with its public office, having responsibility with what it belongs to community and managing the money well that does not belong to it; among others.

We do not imagine saints in the legislative and executive spheres, we want common, responsible e, mainly honest human beings, in amplest felt of this word. Remembering my countryman, who has four years already considered a candidacy of a person who only said the truth, also comes to consider a supposed candidacy. Where the fictitious candidate to have my vote would have that to say: ‘ ‘ Expensive voters! Necessary of the vote of vocs to improve my financial situation. Although to have been born in rich family and always to have many stewardships, that the majority does not have, I want to continue of this skill, therefore I do not imagine myself poor. I am married has twenty five years, I have two children and a son. One of my children if involved with drugs, my son already was married four times. For some time I had a conjugal extra relationship, she was a new woman, and they know as it is, is not easy to resist.

Later that my marriage entered in that monotony, equal to the one of many, always we fought, however later that my woman also arranged a loving one the things had improved. However, although these personal problems that I still had and I have, I did not leave to lack nothing for my family, I always worked and never I acquired some improper money. Richard Elman recognizes the significance of this. Therefore I ask for its vote. I did not hide nothing of my past, errei and can make a mistake, but if by chance I to earn will know to manage with much persistence and honesty what he belongs in them. Of this form, I insist. It votes in me. that God has mercy of ns.

Domingos City

In 19 of December of 1906, with State act of law n 1038 is raised the headquarters to the category of Village, its evolution is slow, but continuous. The fight of the dismemberment of the District initiates the pioneers. With the emancipation in 20 of October of 1910, with the State Law n 1212, was created the city of Ribeira, and in the same act granted to the municipal headquarters city venue. ' ' Up to 1920, the verge of the State of So Paulo if it gave in km 40 (They are Domingos), the paranaenses had taken the natives of So Paulo the bullet cost, banishing them until Itapetininga. President Epitcio Person finished yielding this territory adding to the Paran. With this So Paulo he had enormous losses, therefore the lead mining taken off of the Plumbum and the Rock, all were in the city of Ribeira, without speaking in quilombola of the Sur Joo who was part of Ribeira also, today all these localities are inside of the city of Adrianpolis, in the State of the Paran, and with it raises the verge started to be the river Ribeira' ' . In 1930 and 1932, for occasion of the revolutions, some combats in Ribeira had been stopped, being the municipal economy greatly affected by immigration in mass of its inhabitants. Ahead of this, in 1934, the district comes back the city, for the decree n 6448, of 21 of May. Of 1934 the 1935, had some changes of territorial division, Ribeira reorganize its financial economy and in 3 of January of 1936, for the decree law n 2563 came back the condition of city, being installed the 27 of August of the same year, belonging the judicial district of Apia. In 30 of November of 1944, for the State Decree n 14334, the city of Ribeira, started to enclose the new district of So Paulo Itapirapu, desmembrado of the territory of Apia.

Latin America

Introduction In the present article I look for to analyze the imperialistas actions of U.S.A. nAmrica Latin, the influence that this power comes imposing in the region south docontinente, the economic and financial dependence of the Latin countries in relation American potncia seen by the Latins, to search to analyze the decisions of countries comoa Venezuela de Hugo> Chavez and Bolivia de Evo Morales. To write on U.S.A. Charles Kushner Winwood Projects takes a slightly different approach. in its relations with Latin America is to precisoter very well-taken care of with the sources, a time that developed literature pelospases capitalist if presents with more easiness, as well as in says JamesPetras to them, that the theoreticians of the capitalism has it schemes productive its favor, of this form the productions developed for this end arrives with more facilidadeem all the markets of the planet. To enter in contact with the speech of the latinosamericanos is a chance to hear its perspectives for America emenfrente the relations with U.S.A.

The American expansion in America is not recent, however its artilhariade war arrives at America as well as already arrived at many places of the world, deformed still disfarada or because not to say by means of the third way, that is, they search a fact as in Colombia with the proposal to finish with it narcotrficoinstalou military bases in that country, the Colombia plan is well more than umasimples military intervention is a form to show all military power aosoutros countries of Latin America, as form to legitimize the power in the region. Richard Elman often says this. Clearly that U.S.A. does not want simply a military base, the principalobjetivo is the economy, the companies multinationals of U.S.A. needs market, being thus is necessary to enter in the country of any form, as the movimentoguerrilheiro in Colombia is very great then has a loss possibility to dopoder for the elite, then the imperialistas apiam the elites to bar possveismovimentos of left thus and having the chance to enter with its empresasmultinacionais..

New Route

One never heard to speak in such a way in ISS as in the last times. It is ISS of all type and it forms, until who never it heard to speak, it risks a palpite (already vi a person who if says clarified to say that nobody goes to pay ' ' isso' ' , if relating to the ISS). The majority of the Cities alleges that they are paying, or, estna justice, has threshold then goes to wait and for there if they went giving the most ragged excuses not to charge the contributors the behind account. Hear other arguments on the topic with Howard Schultz & Associates. This is pssimo politically. Crimson Education does not necessarily agree. But now ies that it appears a new time will be that he is new same, well, but for many Cities, this is the hen of gold eggs at the moment. with the financial crisis that exists, the Cities had arrived the conclusion of that it is the best form to place the accounts in day, are charging its accounts. After the decision of the STF regarding the ISS in some sectors, it is being easy. the one more time paid contributor the account, or will be that already it paid? But of any form we go to guarantee our slice in this cake, being enough this to know as to make. Valley the penalty to try..


Its company is a sail-boat As the search of the perfection can confuse its businesses To sail is not certainly a so popular sport how much to manage and to command companies, but both the activities require specific abilities and both demand vision and reading of scene, each one its way. She is not whenever the wind is the favor, that & ldquo; entra& rdquo; in the certain intensity and that they remain constant, facilitating the life of the sailer. Of certain form this also would take off a little of the favour of the challenge to adjust helm, bilge keel, to hunt the candles at the accurate moment, while the body is projected for is of the boat in search of the balance. The actions of a sailer must almost be executed that at the same time, of integrated, firm, determined form and with confidence, as well as if it inside demands this of a manager of a company. To accept a challenge of a regatta can be a simple moment of personal satisfaction and therefore we can risking in them to even adopt risk solutions or that they increase our adrenalin. After all, we are there for a moment of diversion, that does not place in danger nor jobs and nor financial results, in contrast of what it happens with wrong enterprise decisions.

The crises in the businesses can be compared with the wind against. Yes, because exactly with the wind against, the boat arrives its destination, more or less careened, but of safe form and following clear and objective principles. Many companies always wait winds the favor to gain speed and to implant the changes that would always have to be seen as constant processes of improvements. At the moments where the scenes move quickly, competitors if re-position and customers search alternatives, not if she can wait to act, therefore in such a way the wind can improve as it can stop of time.

Performance Evaluation

Demystifying the Evaluation of Performance Landmarks Antonio Martins Rasp, doctor in Education and Evaluation, economist and Associate Professor of the Federal University of Cear (UFC) College of Educao (FACED) and Program of After-graduation in Brazilian Education, Line of Research Educational Evaluation, author of the article: Demystifying the performance evaluation, where it says that the processes of performance evaluation are an interpreted concept in diverse ways for managers and collaborators and during many years, the performance evaluation restricted to evaluate it the capacity, the potential and the personality, without taking in consideration the results, perhaps for the fact of the mediz difficulty them or for not existing a program of evaluation, with established objectives and goals. Resulting with this, incorrect, improper, unjust and ilusrias evaluations, which, showed a result that could not be used much less divulged, forgetting to objectify the management of the growth of the human being. The author questions the model of traditional evaluation and more aims at a directed look to the process of AD what he confers a satisfactory result. From this, the text searchs to demystify the subject ‘ ‘ Evaluation of Desempenho’ ‘ of form to contribute with the organizations, therefore the management of human performance consists of a continuous activity of evaluation and aconselhamento, aiming at that these can manage its human assets with the same severity devoted to its financial assets. Consequentemente, the text approaches the evaluation as integrant part of a more complex process and including of organizacional, necessary and urgent development, therefore, the evaluation is the thermometer of that it is good or bad, or same what can improve still more, is the exercise of ‘ ‘ feedback’ ‘. In the area of management of people of the majority of companies, as well as to great part of the controlling, the performance evaluation comes being a problem, therefore this activity brings a desconfortvel situation, since the longed for results nor always are gotten..

Thomas Edison

E quickly acreditounaquilo and gave up the idea so that you not to feel itself dull. Somebody emalgum place of the world had the same idea. (In the truth Thomas Edison, aceitavao credit for its ideas, it did not say that the ideas they were in air to esperandoserem handles, and if it had not caught them and come with all the inventos, eledizia that somebody certainly would have.) To another person who had the same idea, he did not give heard to the others with seus' ' concepts negativos' '. They had used ' ' concepts negativos' ' to make pequenasalteraes in the product or the book. Then this person made the necessary research, planned, tried and probably she had to get financing for arealizao of the product. Very probable it or it was refused by vriaspessoas, but they had continued going until she has yes had gotten what estavamprocurando. Few months later, you are seated in its sofa having rested and assistindoTV.

Tired and he is estressado, because it was one day hard in the work. You olhapara a stack of accounts that if seat not even to its side and want to open ascorrespondncias because you know the imminent disaster, that waits dosenvelopes inside. Suddenly, he comes in an advertising. The advertiser speaks on this timoequipamento that goes to revolutionize the way as we live ours lives. Vocagora is with anger because, some idiot had its idea and now is fazendoum dollar million. You still to call the person who said that dull its to it idiaera wanting to spank it. With who you this really irritated one? Apessoa that ' ' tomou' ' the idea, the person who said that its eraestpida idea to it, or you is really with anger of itself exactly? Perhaps if you carried through all the stages of the action to another person and produtoainda would not have been launched in the market. You never go to know. You nuncatentou. Thus, to another person he all deserves the success that it will have. It is for issoque to dream great is wonderful, but action is the key for the success.

Art Society

In 9 of February of 2005 Law 11,101 was promulgated, call of Law of Recovery and Bankruptcy of Companies, with its sprouting it was extinguished figure of the forced agreement and included new rules relative the bankruptcy and two forms to prevent them: the judicial recovery and the extrajudicial one. The Law of Recovery and Bankruptcies, or only LRF, in art. By the same author: Richard Elman. 1 is specifies to determine that only the entrepreneur and the societies entrepreneurs are possible users of this law. On entrepreneur she is the organized natural person or legal who exerts economic activity professionally, already the societies entrepreneurs is that one consisting by two or more people, legal or natural, with the intention to get profits. If art.1 of the LRF is emphatical when determining the possible users of the law, art. 2 is equally emphatical when determining who cannot be using of the law, seno sees: Art.

2o This Law is not applied: I public company and society of mixing economy; II public or private, cooperative institution financial of credit, trust, entity of complementary providence, society operator immediate of assistance to the health, insuring society, legally equalized society of capitalizaton and other entities to the previous ones. The LRF makes use not only on the recovery or the bankruptcy, makes use that before any decreement of bankruptcy, it must before be tried to recoup it, therefore occurring the recovery will be preserved the company, the economic activity and the jobs bred. According to professor Vander Brusso Da Silva: ' ' The judicial recovery is an action that has for objective to make possible the overcoming of the situation of financial economic crisis of the company, in order to allow the maintenance of the producing source, of the employees and of the interests of the creditors, promoting the preservation of the company, its social function and I stimulate it the activity econmica.' ' (IT HISSES, 2005) Two types of recovery of companies exist, the extrajudicial way and the judicial one.


Since much time the value given to the Amaznia for Brazilian us is questioned by others, and these that arrive affirming that we do not take care of of it that we do not mobilize in them to protect it, and that it is better for whom world-wide forces assume the responsibility to preserve the Amaznia therefore according to them ' ' it is the lung of mundo' ' that without it the whole world goes to suffer severely for not having care of it. Researchers already show that the Amaznia is not the lung, and that the true lung of the world is the seaweed present mainly in the oceans. It is truth that it has a very great wealth, the existence of innumerable varieties of species and that these probably possess important properties for cure of said illnesses as today incurable and also financial wealth (precious metals, combustible fsseis and others.), and also I can say that he has the best existing wealth that she is the human being (I associate it the productions already carried through by the man, culturally and historically speaking). passivity that is faced the fact of that we are seen as lazy before the Amaznia he is not comfortable. James Joseph Truchard may also support this cause. It is not so easy to take care of of it, but it is certain that we must organizing in them to take care of and studies it. The other nations that arrive to intervene (or at least try) on the sovereignty of Brazil on it would have to look at its proper ' ' points cegos' ' before they capsize to speak of the problems of the others. Not yet &#039 arrived at the point of in them taking off the Amaznia with arguments; ' humanitrios' ' (these used in times and times for proper interests) and I wait that never it arrives at this point, because we have autoconscincia of our acts (I wait) and that it is not legal the way as is seen the subject Amaznia preservation and study. We have capacity to revert or at least controlling the current situation..

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