Two of the most popular question the last 20 years, a new market in Russia: where to get the money? "And" what to do with them? ". The funny thing, but for this rather long time period, most Russians responses to them have not found. In fact: first, we are working on the wear, performing miracles of ingenuity and resourcefulness, earn, save, extract a certain number of the money supply. But if we take a breath, as an entirely remarkable economy of our country is literally beats us hands. All sorts of "Black Tuesday" are replaced by a delay of many months of salaries and pensions, for defaulting should be inflation, rampant price growth replaces cathartic (In all senses of the word) the economic crisis. I'm not talking about all sorts of tricks banks, investment funds, etc. Egg pod does not help, dollars and euros are lying, giving credit, seems ready to squeeze all the juice out of you (as to its issue, and after), the state Oh, this state! But since you want someone to believe. Here's to both with a good friend or neighbor: that you trusted him and that he will not cheat.
I think, can not be. However, as Practice shows that there is no rule without exceptions. On the non-profit partnership "National association of credit cooperatives and credit kooperitive" National Finance "for a long time nobody knew anything. In any case, the Engel's district area, the Saratov region. And this uncertainty is understandable. The thing is that its member credit and consumer cooperatives (CPC) have what is called, not from above but from below.
Before opening account in any bank, it always looks for to better know which banking institution if adapta its necessities. Two good options are the Ita and the Bank of Brazil. However, before making its choice, it is inquired on the banks, its attendance and the types of service that they offer. It is important to know if the bank that you to choose invest in social projects and other on activities to the culture and to the education. After all, a bank that if matters with the future of the country if also matters with its customers. The Ita bank is a bank that has credibility and passes security, praticidade and confidence to its customers, who can count on services of financings of vehicles, for example, call of Itaucred. To use the Itaucred, it is enough to choose the mark, the model of vehicle and one of the modalities offered for the bank.
Two types of modalities are offered by the Ita bank: financing and leasing. If the customer to opt to the financing, it will go to receive a credit to buy the car, however, bank is considered the owner of the vehicle, since the car is as a pledge of the loan until the end of the payment of the parcels. If the loan is not paid in the stipulated stated period, the bank takes the vehicle. Another modality is the leasing, where it does not have incidence of Tax on Operaes Financeiras (IOF), and the vehicle remains as property of the bank until the payment all is effected. After to choose one of the modalities, looks a credential resale, will choose its car and its financing will be evaluated. If it will be approved, you will be able to close the business in the same hour. Another option of bank agency that gives to good services and attendance is the Bank of Brazil, that the biggest net of agencies of the country possesss, counting on more than four a thousand points to take care of its customers. It has 20 years, it is the reliable bank of many Brazilians.
It enters the advantages of being a customer of this bank is the convenience and the comfort, since customers BB can have access its accounts through of the Internet, fixed or cellular telephone. Moreover, the bank makes use of diverse qualified professionals, who can assist it to cure it its doubts. When you to make a banking account in one of the agencies of the Bank of Brazil, will be able to use the diverse credit facilities, available financing and loans. You will only start to from there pay for this service the 180 days, and can use this money for that it is its necessity. Beyond the credit, you he will be able to count on the cards that the bank offers to it to cover eventual necessities that can appear. Its investments also can be made in this bank, with a team of qualified professionals who will go to guide to it on which option of investment are more appropriate for you, either in action, saving, investment fund or CDB.