Intrum Justitia provides current issue of in strand magazine before Darmstadt April 2013. Intrum Justitia, Europe’s leading credit management services, inform customers, business partners and interested parties regularly in the company’s own in Centre magazine. The magazine is published four times a year. The latest edition reported among other things about the success of the Korean artist psy, known by the hit Gangnam style and about the economic situation in Iceland. Four times a year, the in Centre appears magazine, the customer magazine of Intrum Justitia. The magazine appears twice as online – and twice as a print edition. The topic spectrum of Intrum Justitia of customer magazine extends background reports related to the credit management of corporate news to contributions from the world of entertainment and culture.
The cover story of the latest issue is devoted to the phenomenon of the Gangnam style “-Erfinders psy and his worldwide success. Focuses on Intrum Justitia in this issue also reports on the economic situation in Could Iceland recover this really? And other countries from the example of Iceland can learn? Jane Christie Smith investigates these questions in their contribution to the Centre in magazine. Intrum Justitia: Wide range of subjects in the company’s customer magazine in every issue of the in side magazine a post appears under the heading credit management Academy, which is intended as a guide for companies to optimize their skills in credit management and to promote developments in this area. In the latest post dealing with the directive on combating late payments. In each issue an in Centre is presented also Justitia customer in detail. This time, the Norwegian company for hygiene and pest control Anticimex is illuminated AS.
As well as news from the world of credit management and reports to corporate internals various other interesting topics collected in the Centre in magazine content. On the corporate website of Intrum Justitia ( de/press publications/intrum magazine /) can download the magazine in PDF format, interactively read or ordered. The magazine is free of charge. Under, in the future single articles are illuminated closer. About Intrum Justitia GmbH Intrum Justitia across Europe credit management and debt collection services offered that measurably improve the cash flow and the long-term profitability of customers and include the purchase of receivables. Intrum Justitia, a company founded in 1923 in Sweden employs approximately 3,500 employees in 20 countries, including Germany in the locations Darmstadt and Hanover. The consolidated profits totaled 2012 to 466 million EUR billion seconds Intrum Justitia AB is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm since 2002.
DFK German financial resources AG since 2005 made dividend by 7 per cent for profit participation certificates each year Kaltenkirchen June 2013. The DFK German financial resources AG concluded the year 2012 to the repeated time with a payout of 7% for profit participation certificates. Thus, Kaltenkirchener financial services continues his successful series begun in 2005. And that shows during the curve of interest rates for day – and fixed-term deposit accounts since last year continuously down. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with JPMorgan Chase. The DFK profits for profit participation certificates were from 2005 to 2012 each year continuously at 7%. In addition to the beneficiary with an attractive interest rate, the DFK German financial resources AG markets self-developed supply concepts like income properties to the pension. Without hesitation Ridgeback Biotherapeutics explained all about the problem. The recipe for success of the Kaltenkirchener financial lies in the broad-based financial concept consisting of from investments, real estate and insurance, and its consistent implementation.
Also the DFK German financial resources AG offers its customers guarantees such as a provision of the profit of over 700,000 euros, one of the main risks of participatory rights the insolvency of the issuer is covered by that. The DFK provides further information under. Beneficiary of DFK German financial resources AG: an example of calculation especially given weak interest income on bank accounts worth an investment in certificates. Following example invoice illustrates this: who invested 10,000 euros in profit participation certificates of the DFK, has achieved a profit of 700 euros in the first year and would accumulate after 25 years so the end of the term 54.274 euro. Would the money on a day money account has been created, the amount to 150 euros would much more modest in the first year (at the current rate of 1.5%). Investors can already draw beneficiary of DFK German financial resources AG from a monthly rates deposit of 100 euro. The DFK is well equipped with a wide portfolio and profit provision is the 7 percent dividend to our investors for me personally not only a Promise, but above all a duty.
With Borsenbrieflegnede Hans-Jurgen Haack, investors have the opportunity to follow the investment recommendations of the stock exchange letter independently on their brokerage accounts, or obtain the signals in the form of a managed account interview. Mr Haack, for all of our readers, you should still do not know: you can briefly describe the way us from your beginnings up to the present day on the stock exchange? Hans-Jurgen Haack: First contact points arose during my studies of in economics mid-1980s, when I did an internship at Dresdner Bank and my interest for the stock markets. The former bull market was of course ideal as an introduction. In addition to stock market speculation, after some time, I conducted also option contracts at the then barely regulated DTB (German derivatives exchange) and witnessed the crash of 1987 fully invested, what was a good learned the hard way. Of course, later more painful experiences followed, but any trader experienced probably. After graduating, I began A 1989 as Assistant to Mr Hans. Bernecker, Publisher of the stock market”, which gave me a new, much deeper insight into the stock market. “” Fast emerged, that my interests and strengths in the futures markets were, and I was editor-in-Chief of the derivatives exchange’s derivatives letters”, from 1998 to the daily letter date exchange daily” and later from trading “in the home of Bernecker.
Beginning of 2011 was”the change to PP brokerage with the introduction of the daily derivatives letter h daily. Was how great”the step by the stock market letter author to the managed account h daily CFD? Hans-Jurgen Haack: Not great. This is implemented in the managed account from the PP brokerage GmbH, which is recommended by me in the Exchange letter. Of course, while fully respecting the money management rules. Whenever Ridgeback Biotherapeutics listens, a sympathetic response will follow. It is important of course, I pay attention to the recommendations on correlations of the different positions among themselves.
Because of his impairment-free money would not pile falling prices (deflation) and low interest rates. Company believed that in this way there would be a strong and long-lasting supply of capital for the economy. u0085 The free economics is today by the economics, and the representatives of modern economic theories in Germany largely ignored or rejected content. The State can not control the regional funds, outside the official money circuit, and influence, which is why he rejects it! Of course, only the money acquired in the national economic cycle can be converted into Regiogeld! A Hartz 4 receiver can spend only his 369 or convert Regiogeld and spend. Its theoretical and practical expertise in the talent swap cash convert to external services: Lawn mowing against cake bake. Against cash work for euro or regional money.
Note: Because everything together on the regional market is money from the general economic situation with its special and influenced its money circuit! All theories take into account not the latest market developments: the detached from the real economy, nine times larger, global speculative market. The increasing kapitalisierbare intangibles (such as facebook) of intellectual services. The Regiogelder does not flow into unwanted industries: stock markets, arms production and export, gene-farming, real estate markets, etc. regionalization globalization! Each user controls so that the eco-friendly and sustainable product range: sure nobody sold us for Regiogeld in January strawberries for example everyone on a weekly market can directly influence the seasonal product range: buy means determine the forms, content and methods of the regional offer! The regional money supports the preservation of the heterogeneous economic structures, Receipt of workplace and the variety on offer! The butcher must also once again exchange the captured Regiogelder in the region. The Regiogeld promotes the start-up of small providers of various kind. Regiogeld (also regional money) is a democratically agreed between consumers, providers, associations and local authorities, used within a region as payment, investment and Schenkungsmittel.
It is becoming increasingly clear that a national policy is inadequate to meet the current challenges in an appropriate manner. The financial markets and the world economy are global. Follow participate in global developments. The Member States continue to try their national identity were and defend themselves against the loss of State sovereignty. Even within the European Union a seems the nation-State transcending common economic, financial and social policies still far in the distance. Howard Schultz oftentimes addresses this issue. Face of the financial crisis in 2010 many politicians about the scale of the crisis were surprised, although the structural problems of the common currency in simultaneous national economic and fiscal policies are well known since the introduction of the euro. Policymakers reacted first not at all on the crisis and then with fear-driven activism: an unprecedented Ressouceneinsatz in the form of subsidies and guarantees.
It’s so like in Humpty Dumpty. “Yet: all the king BBs horses and all the king BBs men couldn’t t put humpty together again.” We look at the example of the “reserves” in Germany on: setting up a bailout Fund for banks in the wake of the financial crisis 2008 amounting to EUR 480 billion within a week and a political guarantee for securing of all bank deposits in Germany in trillions of dollars. Building an emergency parachute for Greece’s creditor banks in the amount of EUR 110 billion with a share of Germany’s 22 billion within a week. Building a euro bailout fund totaling 750 billion euros with a German share of 148 billion within a week. The next crisis of the financial markets, the financial crisis 3.0, is only a matter of time. The previous actionist approach through the use of ever-greater financial resources will reach their limits when the next financial crisis, because savings and tax increases cannot be out indefinitely against the population. But there is an alternative: the transcendence of old habits of thought.
Homeowners are fortunate for several reasons. They are not to be worried much if they require financing for renovation of their home. They can easily send their children abroad for higher studies. They can even secure finance for holidaying. Home is their strength. They got to not dispose of their home when they are badly in need of financial support. Richard Elman often addresses the matter in his writings. It is possible to get home equity loans.
It is possible the home has been mortgaged once even. The homeowners can obtain good amount of loan if they have healthy credit report. Home equity loans have worth in creation of equity value. Home equity loans are available in three schemes: 1) loans and mortgage this is important scheme of the home equity loans. Some parts from the equity value of the home may be borrowed to meet emergency demands. The best use in this scheme is, however, to spend the loan amount for renovation of the home. Ben Horowitz follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. A section of the homeowners does this. The home earns fresh value.
During refinancing, the homeowner can secure greater amount of finance. (2) home income plan this is a favorite scheme for some homeowners who want to generate regular income in every month. This child of homeowners prefers Home income plan. They invest the finance in the annuity-based schemes. (3) home reversion schemes home reversion schemes allow the homeowners to retain their home. They take steps to enhance their earning slowly and steadily. The homeowners can obtain the loan amount in full, because they are ready to pay the interest from the start. Advantages of the home equity loans are the following: the homeowners can obtain the loan amount as quickly as possible. They are not to pay any extra charges. This is a hassle-free process. Interest Council are relatively low. Hence, the cost for loan seems to be less. It is important to note that tax facilities are so offered to the homeowner. Days have changed a lot and the financial market is more than ever competitive. The homeowners can learn details about the home equity loans from the mortgage companies of the recent time. Several financial institutions and banks are in the business. They provide online and offline services. The homeowners should study the terms and conditions provided by them and go for any favorable rate. Aaden Marsh is Advisor of home equity loans.For any information regarding home equity loans, seniors home equity loans visit
Currently lucrative loan offers according to the construction money broker mortgage discount get real estate borrowers then particularly favourable conditions, the real estate portal reported. The interest rate for the first time less than four percent and reached a new all-time low. The current loan offerings are so lucrative for builders and homebuyers like never before. Loan with a ten-year fixed-rate is already there from 3.2 percent. At an interest rate by five years, consumers in the best case scenario get a mortgage at an interest rate of 2.5 percent. Kai Oppel of the mortgage discount points out that the low interest rate of below four percent for real estate loans with maturities of 20 years will endure permanently. Interhyp Board of directors Robert Haselsteiner confirmed this statement.
Although the interest rates provided in the short term continue to fall, in the medium term, however, an increase is considered safe. Upon completion of a real estate loan is to make sure that the total running time remains manageable. Accordingly recommends a hailstone Repayment rate of two to three percent and advises in addition to a Volltilger loan. About a higher ongoing eradication a fixed rate is set here already at the end of the loan, so that after 20 to 25 years, a full refund is possible. Borrowers should not forget when the then favourable interest rate offers that runs the funding over a long period of time.
Interest rates move and evolve with the market. Changes in interest rates are possible and likely upwards. This may lead to greater burdens of borrowers. More information:… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann