Articles from: March 2011

Internal Affairs Company

Therefore, company size and amount of funds necessary to ensure proper personnel security are in direct proportion. Classification of internal threats from employees – financial fraud (theft, kickbacks, conducting transactions through the controlled company's manipulation of financial statements) – disclosure of trade secrets and other confidential information – the commission of acts that are detrimental to the image of the company (for example, making unauthorized statements of your company). Depending on the scope of business and company size, level of threat posed by possible illegal actions of the personnel is always different. If for small business opportunities for the unscrupulous activities of staff are limited, for large enterprises and companies of the financial sector for scammers of all stripes are traditionally a lot of opportunities for the appropriation of corporate wealth. Decisions of the Agency's economic security "FORT" offers audits provided by the candidate or employee data.

Even such simple answers to the question is whether a person registered as drug treatment, mental hospital, was involved in a previously responsibility for an offense or crime, can give a lot. At the same time, these databases can be accessed only by those who have a license for security and detective work, communications, law enforcement and power structures. It is no secret that many employees at an employment offer at times false information – such as hiding the existence of prior convictions, any negative biographical facts, drug addiction, communication with competitors or professional organizations, and sometimes finding the federal wanted list for the crime committed. Identify misreporting will check with the use of polygraph (Lie detector). Polygraph examination is based on the hypothesis, suggesting that the presentation of subject-specific issues of incentives related to the important events of his life, can cause them appropriate feelings of guilt, anxiety, worry. Excitement is not easy to hide: his issue changes in the physiological reactions of human (or quickens the pulse rate decreases, changing the rhythm of breathing, static conductivity skin, blood pressure, body temperature, the nature of biological currents of the brain, the intensity of salivation, locomotor activity of hands), and learn how to control them is very difficult. To check the candidate include: Collect and checking official information Obtaining information from databases Obtaining information through the Ministry of Internal Affairs (to find in the search and professional record) Obtaining feedback from previous jobs through formal channels interviewing check on a polygraph (lie detector) observation of the behavior When checking a candidate meets the following information: targeted, personal and passport details of crimes and administrative Offences committed by them in the past, lawsuits involving previously made financial commitments Linking the response to criminality business contacts and influential family connections information human weakness, addiction, bad habits information about friends, places of leisure
