Articles from: November 2011

Vladimir Mayakovsky

" Feasibility Study (FS) on the organization of a full production cycle, you can see the links at the end of the article. Monosota – a world opportunities. Therefore, we can build on monosotostruktur installations and facilities for various purposes. For business, agriculture, for farming, shopping and entertainment centers business centers, townhouse, villas, apartment buildings and much more. All this is based on one monosoty from which to create monosotostruktura specific purpose. Theo production monosotostruktur you to links at the end of the article. Propose that government agencies implement the following actions to implement the socially significant super-task (sentences are logically arranged on case studies, each case with the documents you can found on the site): Case number 1.

Implement the project "Concept Cities of the Future – creating a unified concept of autonomous and independent functioning of intelligent cities. "After four years there will be a garden city!" – So read poems by Vladimir Mayakovsky, written in 1929. The concept of the proposed LLC Plazna "on a plan of founders decide on the construction of new towns and ecosettlements in record time, which dramatically for the better differ from that time period, which is described by Vladimir Mayakovsky. Eco-settlement – an issue that interested in a variety of sectors of society. He is also interested in hard workers, and intellectuals. This topic is relevant for those people who just need accommodation and for those people who want to be healthy, and for those people who have kids. How to play a winning combination for people who want to change their living conditions? The answer to this question Technology monosotostruktur.
