Sport Database ‘Sparta’ GK Anapa is hosting a large, well-kept green area base complex of buildings located hotel, football field and basketball court. The two-storey housing, have 2-5 local numbers. Each room is equipped with beds, bedside tables, wardrobe, table and chairs. Convenience, bathrooms and showers are located in a block on each floor. The hotel base has a sauna with a swimming pool, recreation room, parking on the territory of a football field and basketball. Shuttle bus to the sea by the recreation center. The price of accommodation includes accommodation, use of a football field 2 hours a day, a basketball court not limited, to deliver to the beach and back.
The cost of permits in June – September – 500 rubles per person per night includes all meals. Additional amenities include a sauna with a pool of 400 rubles per hour, a parking lot in 25 rubles day. Sport Base ‘Sparta’ invites leaders of creative teams, sports organizations, directors of children’s and youth sports schools coaches to cooperate in organizing and holding fees competition, recreation athletes. On the basis of the sports ‘Sparta’ annually: * * Football tournament championship of Russia on bast * Training – Training Camp basketball players, cyclists * Training – Training Camp Elite Hockey Schools * Training – Training Camp swimmers, athletes and other conditions of the base can accommodate spotsmenov with disabilities. Accept bus tours! Self-catering accommodation 150 rubles per person per night. Stay in June – September – 500 rubles per person per night, includes meals. Meals three times a day 350 rubles per person per night may be taken separately just for breakfast, or lunch, or dinner, or at any combination. Regularly, our clients are creative groups: participants in parades, festivals, celebrations taking place in GK Anapa.
A distinctive feature of the platform VCA presence is the ability to monitor multiple objects (up to 100 simultaneously) control for camera manipulation, transmitting a signal to the video server, including the displacement direction of observation, shrouded, brushing or breach the objective lens. Building features built-in analytics server by using an optional package VCA surveillance. This version of the software provides for the electronic stabilization of the video camera allows classify objects by size and speed, to set "acceptable" and "unacceptable" the direction of movement of objects, their stop in the wrong place, or delay in the controlled area for longer allowable time fix the appearance / disappearance of objects, etc. Also, the new video server Smartec with VCA surveillance makes it possible to count the number of objects over time. To create a multi-channel video surveillance systems, which operate in new video servers and other IP-series devices NEYRO brand Smartec, it is recommended to use the software NetStation, capable of serving up to 32 video channels on one server account. This software provides a great opportunity for viewing and recording video / audio, you can create interactive graphics planes of the object (eMar) and build massive surveillance systems architecture "client-server". In addition, the video server may be running other software manufacturers, for example, the software company NetHunter Mitsubishi, which supports basic and advanced video analytics VCA. The new single-channel video server Smartec STS-IPTX161 already entered the Russian market, and can be purchased at a retail price of 400 USD, incl.
For more information on these and other video servers mark Smartec please e-mail or call (495) 787-33-42 Sales Department "ARMO-Systems", which is the official distributor Smartec equipment in Russia and the CIS, or the regional offices "Armo". Under the brand name Smartec, a wide range of equipment to create classic and IP-video surveillance systems of any configuration and complexity. The composition of this product line includes analog and network cameras (B / W, color and day-night), domes, 4 -, 8 -, 16 – and 32-channel video recorders, 17-32-inch LCD-monitors, IP-cameras, varifocal lenses, IP-video server, camera housings, Infrared illuminators, brackets, power supplies, etc. The main competitive advantage of equipment Smartec – this functionality, high quality and reliability of the devices when they are affordable and the availability of professional technical support and service in Russia.
Fonts So we have to collect stamp on print. We scanned the sheet, which was affixed seal, or have a scanned image by e-mail, imported into CorelDraw and now we need to create precise vector copy. A reprint of the alignment so that the press was right (bottom of the press can be an asterisk, the name of the city: Moscow, Saratov, etc.), and the name of the firm has a strictly horizontal. A reprint can be locked so that it not shifted with further manipulation – because the copy will be recruited onto the bitmap image. After that, everything is easy: draw the required number of circles, put up the correct outline, typed the entire text, present in the press and put up along the curve.
And here we encounter a major problem maker-stamp – type of vector text, typed by us, is totally different from the original. Long and tedious Flipped the editor of fonts installed on your system, shows that there is no such font. What should I do? And this is the main problem of the restoration print reprint – to find the desired fonts. And well, if you have time and order issued on the following day, and if you have a maximum of 20-30 minutes? But forty minutes later comes a client who you have promised to urgently make a seal in one hour! By default, Windows is installed somewhere to hundreds of fonts (Depending on the version), and only half of them normally Russified. True, two of them are quite often used in seals, I mean, Arial and Times New Roman, but expect that all printing will be recruited by these fonts are not necessary. And given that designers often use the contraction and expansion of fonts, especially in the title of the press, fat and italic writing, the same Times New Roman in bold italic writing and the maximum narrowed to fit in a circle, you just do not know. A font that you identified with joy as Arial, is absolutely wrong and is built along the circle does not coincide mezhbukvennomu distance (kerning and tracking) the characters seem to be narrower than should be, especially the figures and letter kvoobsche some defective! The fact that this is not Arial, and Pragmatica, perhaps, the most popular and frequently used font manufacturers seals.