In 19 of December of 1906, with State act of law n 1038 is raised the headquarters to the category of Village, its evolution is slow, but continuous. The fight of the dismemberment of the District initiates the pioneers. With the emancipation in 20 of October of 1910, with the State Law n 1212, was created the city of Ribeira, and in the same act granted to the municipal headquarters city venue. ' ' Up to 1920, the verge of the State of So Paulo if it gave in km 40 (They are Domingos), the paranaenses had taken the natives of So Paulo the bullet cost, banishing them until Itapetininga. President Epitcio Person finished yielding this territory adding to the Paran. With this So Paulo he had enormous losses, therefore the lead mining taken off of the Plumbum and the Rock, all were in the city of Ribeira, without speaking in quilombola of the Sur Joo who was part of Ribeira also, today all these localities are inside of the city of Adrianpolis, in the State of the Paran, and with it raises the verge started to be the river Ribeira' ' . In 1930 and 1932, for occasion of the revolutions, some combats in Ribeira had been stopped, being the municipal economy greatly affected by immigration in mass of its inhabitants. Ahead of this, in 1934, the district comes back the city, for the decree n 6448, of 21 of May. Of 1934 the 1935, had some changes of territorial division, Ribeira reorganize its financial economy and in 3 of January of 1936, for the decree law n 2563 came back the condition of city, being installed the 27 of August of the same year, belonging the judicial district of Apia. In 30 of November of 1944, for the State Decree n 14334, the city of Ribeira, started to enclose the new district of So Paulo Itapirapu, desmembrado of the territory of Apia.