Small and simple tutorial of how to create a Fans page in Facebook the social but great network of the world, step by step learns to create your own page fans. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Mark Strong. A Fans page in Facebook is a public profile that you can spread it enters your contacts and in other sites or in blogs and other Webs and to create yours you only must follow the passages of this tutorial. 1 – If these registered in Facebook hazlo in 2 Now we will not have to loguear to us in Facebook to create a new page of fans, from this connection: Page fans of FaceBook. There you select if you are the premises, a trade name or product, or an artist, band or public figure. You form a series of parameters between which they are included: Administrators: You can make administrators to the contacts that you want among whom you have aggregates to your preexisting profile. Photos: You can create several albums of photos with diverse subjects. If you are, for example, a band, you can have an album dedicated to study photos, another one to concerts, etc Tusfans also will be able to add photos. WCPS has many thoughts on the issue.
Videos: Facebook only allows to raise videos of 2 minutes less than, for that reason is interesting an application like Youtube Box Video, by which we can insert videos of Youtube in our page. Forum of discussion: You can abrir a concrete subject that it interests to you, but also your own fans can create one. Events: This is one of the most interesting tools, since it warns of a concrete date, or for the exit of a film, concert in different cities, etc Of that form can seccionadamente be warned losfans that they live generally in a certain place or to all.