Recreation is not always straightforward. Often we, the tourists, somewhere, something so angered, will plunge into shock, upset, etc. Way from the warm flats to the place of dislocation of your holiday is very thorny! Choice Hotels, Book hotel, luggage fee ah you e-whack, how many swimsuits or shorts serfboards take Not all live in one of two capitals, we must also reach the international airport train or car can be a bus. Then wait until the tour operator's representative will arrive at the airport, will give out vouchers and flight tickets, check in for the flight the increased turbulence during the flight, do not stop thinking about what aircraft have you know what, but suddenly fall, landing We go to the airport of arrival, if Turkey or Egypt, then as a flock, honestly, all driven to buy for 20 bucks a visa, some papers still need to fill in, and then receive the baggage hassle even the one standing, and suitcase was still there Then, until the whole group will meet at the bus turlidera until all the luggage boot unless all the tourists in front of you to their hotels and here you come! Begins and your vacation! Or not? Still have populate rams room sucks, rams from local food puchit, rams room service hotel Hamit, rams room is not clean no toilet paper in a room the ants in the sea on the sea urchin has come Aa-ah-ah-ah, help! And it starts reviled travel agency, on what light is! The whole article can be read on the blog source . Ben Horowitz pursues this goal as well.