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The EQ monitor shows savings in heating and power consumption in single-family houses on effecient living everyone wants. But it’s easier if you get an incorruptible Assistant for the EQ monitor. Here you can retrieve all energy consumption data of a House at a glance. With the EQ monitor, heating and many other, interconnected functions can be controlled if people outside are also on a Smartphone. The EQ monitor must not only be started via PC or laptop – it is available at any time. The operation is simple: digital counting facilities constantly capture the consumption of electricity, heat and water, as well as the amount of home-grown solar energy. The costs remain at all times under control. To deepen your understanding Harper Simon is the source.

The Enno dads Smartbox”regularly gets these values and stores them. If you would like to know more about James Taylor, then click here. User-friendly prepares the data on the screen appear. The EQ monitor can do even more: it offers Internet access at the same time, a mail program, a calendar and a digital Picture frame with an integrated photo album. Also, video telephony is possible. The EQ monitor is the user-friendly control panel for the whole House: everything at a glance. The benefit for the inhabitants is obvious: the EQ monitor automatically monitors the energy consumption, 365 days a year. Only through long-term monitoring energy wasters in the home are visible and can be really optimised energy consumption. The system also brings transparency: how well does the thermal insulation? How effective is the solar system? Part of the lecture series of future buildings in the building Centre in Poing (near Munich) the EQ monitor introduces for the first time a broad public by SG consultant GmbH. Stephan Gebauer

Consumers Customers

RWE increased the prices, other energy providers will follow Berlin, 21 June 2010. The energy group RWE plans increase its electricity prices to August 1st. 7.3 percent more to pay the customers on average for primary care. Several million households across Germany are affected by the increase, per household incurred additional costs amounting to around 60 euros. In industry circles, it is assumed that other providers with further price increases are set to. RWE is the first energy company, who asks his customers after announcing a so-called fuel tax to pay. Although not yet adopted, the planned tax has caused already nuclear power plants for resentment in the industry. The tax should bring in annually some 2.3 billion euros the State, after all, nearly 60 euros for every household.

Independent power providers assume that other corporations will raise electricity prices for RWE. It would be a novelty if the big energy giants which any additional costs not on the Offload electricity customers”, says FlexStrom CEO Martin Rothe. The corporations would never voluntarily eliminate revenue in billions of dollars, so Rothe, that’s why it is expensive especially for consumers”. In particular of their dominant position in the electricity generation, RWE, E.ON, Vattenfall and Energie Baden-Wurttemberg (EnBW) have a way to pass on the cost of the fuel tax also to independent energy providers such as FlexStrom. Many prices in the electricity market, we will see this year”, so FlexStrom Board Member Martin Rothe. This will affect especially the customers of public utilities and energy companies.

Electricity customers do so well to check their electricity costs. A family in Essen with 4,500 kWh annual consumption can save when she classic private from the basic supply tariff RWE to the prepaid service DeutschlandsBest of FlexStrom, for example, more than 340 euro. While not yet considered announced RWE – Power price increase to August 1st. Connect with other leaders such as Jon Venverloh here. The price comparison for Consumers and customers of RWE is in just a few minutes possible under: for your questions: Press Office of one street 22-24, 10785 Berlin your partner FlexStrom AG: Dirk Hempel phone: (030) 214-998 470 E-Mail: Internet: about FlexStrom AG the independent FlexStrom AG has existed since about seven years. founded as a family business in 2003, the medium-sized utilities currently experiencing strong demand after favourable electricity tariffs. FlexStrom is best known especially with prepaid products, now the energy supplier has established itself in addition with many innovative monthly plans. The FlexStrom group of companies provides attractive gas prices nationwide recently with FlexGas. As group independent energy suppliers, it is particularly important to shop for its customers of electricity, eco electricity and natural gas on the market as cheap FlexStrom such as FlexGas. FlexStrom is already for the favourable electricity tariffs and particularly customer-friendly service has been awarded: German society for quality and the forum!

Climate Protection With CO2 Positive Houses

An Allgau wooden houses company makes it in the face of increasingly scarce energy resources and climate change, the world is facing one of its biggest challenges. New, future-securing routes must be undertaken to achieve the urgent CO2 reduction targets as soon as possible. An innovative manufacturer of wooden houses from the Allgau is one of the few suppliers for over 15 years with its full value houses”the prerequisite for CO2 neutral and met himself for CO2 positive building. They combine sustainability, ecology, and energy efficiency. For these conscious dealing with the rapidly decreasing natural resources, the company was certified with the EU eco management and audit in 1996. In the face of climate change, natural, even renewable raw materials such as wood are increasingly gaining importance.

As they escape the Earth’s atmosphere through carbon climate-damaging their high CO2 storage capacity. More than 50 tons of CO2 are saved with every wooden house by Baufritz. (This value is the average CO2 emissions of mid-size vehicle in 20 years at 10,000 km annual output.) The 40 inches strong and almost completely made of wood a material air barrier of these houses reduce the annual energy consumption on a few 100 litres of fuel oil, documented in the so-called energy passport. Also custom-fit energy, an air tightness concept and the specially developed wood shavings insulation provide innovative thermal insulation in. Modern heating technology, such as Holzpelletheizungen, heat pumps, ground collectors, deep probes or solar systems use natural energy resources.

The exclusive use of pollutant tested, environmentally-friendly materials is also allergic benefits evidenced by the seal ALLoKH”by the Institute of environment and health for allergy-friendly building. In addition, a special electro-smog protection level reduces the burden of electric radiation and fields. The unique offer of redemption by Baufritz also ensures a holistic climate protection to disposal. Nature points to a path, we take in the construction industry as an example should. “, says Dagmar Fritz-Kramer, the Managing Director of the family business. There is this climate protection houses turnkey basis from 231.800 euros.

Managing Director

Find in the interview with Mr. Kellner, Managing Director of paint shop waiter from Bruchsal, more about the many benefits of a commercial solar photovoltaic system. Mr. Kellner is the specialist for all painting the leading car dealerships in Bruchsal and the surrounding area. Others who may share this opinion include Stuart B. Solomon. Almost all materials are painted in today’s business.

The paints are collected according to the production computer. The vehicles are processed in modern spray and drying cabins. Also old coatings with gentle methods will be renewed in the “Finishabteilung”. Since Mr. Kellner wrote the progress on the flag not only with his company, he read up in January 2013 on its roof a photovoltaic system install and also shows future orientation, environmental and cost-consciousness. Mr Kellner, so little even worth? The feed-in tariff is for your photovoltaic system only got 16.36 cents per kWh.”that comes out to what you do with the auto-generated electricity. Even if I would feed the completely, I would have still a plus. “It is really interesting but, if we consume as much as possible of the power itself.” why? “you see, I pay 18 cents for each kWh of electricity provider.

When I go out only by 20 years operating time of the photovoltaic plant, it will cost me kWh about 9 cents. I’m saving so 9 cents per kWh”are you sure that the PV system are actually so long? If you can produce the electricity so cheap, then this is surely a cheap investment.”no, on the contrary. The company clear sky energy technology installed ranging from a comprehensive and objective advice on the selection of components – incidentally, German brand modules with 26 years service guarantee – mounting, up to commissioning, a high-quality facility.”for you as an entrepreneur is a good return eventually. Let we look the naked figures speak.”we go by a price increase by 4 per cent, then I had with a consumption of 50% over 20 years expected 7.5 percent Return-on-investment.
